The XWiki development team team is pleased to announce the
availability of the 1.0 RC 4 release.
Go grab it on
This release is a bug fix release and is planned to be promoted as
the final 1.0 release next week if no critical bug is found till then.
* Bugs fixed:
o XWIKI-1023 - Probable mistake in strikethrough regular
expression match
o XWIKI-1151 - Wyswiyg editor has problem with lists and
carriage returns
o XWIKI-1152 - Wysiwyg loosing content when copy pasting
and switching to list
o XWIKI-1161 - Exception when manipulating class fields
causes them to "disappear"
o XWIKI-1163 - Remove lines space before and after the
list, table
o XWIKI-1164 - Editor removes line feeds
o XWIKI-1165 - WYSIWYG editor doesn't understand the "-"
notation for lists
o XWIKI-1166 - WYSIWYG editor doesn't understand the
<text> , it's ignored
o XWIKI-1167 - Create 2 lists that separated by a line
space then it merges both lists
o XWIKI-1172 - "Indent" button generates escaped
<bloquote> wiki markup
o XWIKI-1180 - The blockquote is never removed
o XWIKI-1182 - Empty line after list missing
o XWIKI-1183 - URLs entered in wiki markup are displayed
without the protocol part
o XWIKI-1184 - Tooltip for Ordered List is wrong
o XWIKI-1189 - Reduce the amount of space before the level
1 title
o XWIKI-1190 - One empty line at the start of a document
is stripped when rendered and edited again
o XWIKI-1191 - Macromapping of velocity macros when
there's no Velocity macro page defined fail and instead include the
WebHome page of the current space
o XWIKI-1192 - {skype} macro mapping to #skype velocity
macro isn't working
o XWIKI-1197 - exception in rename nonexistent document
o XWIKI-1204 - Incorrect type of code macro when we switch
from wiki => wysiwyg => wiki
* Improvements
o XWIKI-1039 - The albatross skin does not distinguish
disabled form fields
o XWIKI-1109 - XWikiRightServiceImpl.listAllLevels uses an
expensive method for producing the rights list.
o XWIKI-1200 - Hide actions in the menu that don't have a
meaning for a non-existing document
IMPORTANT: XWiki 1.0 RC 2 has fixed an important security issue in
past releases where passwords were stored in clear in the database.
Passwords are now hashed. If you are upgrading from a previous
version, any new user or any password update will automatically get
the password hashed. However existing users who do not change their
passwords will still have their passwords in clear in the database.
Thus, we are providing a tool to automatically hash all passwords
from an existing database.
See the full release notes on
-The XWiki development team