The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
This release introduces a new feature for the Notifications: the Watched
Entities. It is disabled by default but you should try it to experiment it
because it will replace the Watchlist Application soon.
For the users, we now have more usable notification filter settings and a
nice helper when you edit a "Database List" field.
For developers, it is easier to propose an extension containing REST
resources, or to customize the Flamingo LESS code. We have also exposes
more database columns in the Query Module for users who don't have the
programming rights. The notification filters AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
proposes new types of nodes to create complex filter queries. There are
also new facilities to avoid using SyntaxFactory, to make Extension Manager
faster, or to identify skins elements with proper IDs.
As usual, this release brings bug fixes (15 in this one!).
You can download it here:
Make sure to review the release notes:
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team