-----Original Message-----
From: Ludovic Dubost [mailto:ludovic@xwiki.com]
Sent: samedi 23 décembre 2006 16:02
To: xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-dev] Beta1 and Trunk discrepancies
I think these changes (the right part) should be in the trunk.
If I recall correctly these additions have been done only in the trunk
I should have merges the beta 1 properly in the trunk..
Sorry I'm not sure what you mean. The tool I've used (smart synchronize)
says that left (beta1) is newer than the right (trunk). Are you saying this
is not correct? I've seen your merges and I ran the tool after you made the
changes. The tool still reports discrepancies which we have to analyze.
Vincent Massol a écrit :
To XWiki developers who have committed for 1.0 beta1:
I'd like to close the 1.0 beta 1 branch now that 1.0 beta 1 has been
delivered (and have a 1.0 beta 1 tag). However before doing so I've
done a quick compare of trunk and beta1 branch and I've found the
following changes that are newer in the beta1 branch than in trunk.
I'd like to be sure we're not missing anything in trunk.
Could you please verify that the trunk is ok for these files please?
(I've attached screenshots of diffs to make it easy for you :-))
The left pane in the image represents beta1 and the left one
represents trunk.
Name State
Type Changes Left Time Right Time Relative
------------------------------------------------- -------------
------ ------- -------------- --------------
Document.java Left Younger
Text ~1 18/12/06 12:05 17/12/06 13:49
IndexUpdater.java Left Younger
Text +3 18/12/06 12:04 17/12/06 13:49
editor_template.js Left Younger
Text +11 ~53 18/12/06 12:14 18/12/06 10:44
image.htm Left Younger
Text +12 18/12/06 12:14 18/12/06 10:44
image.js Left Younger
Text +6 ~2 18/12/06 12:14 18/12/06 10:44
attachments.js Left Younger
Text +12 ~29 18/12/06 12:14 18/12/06 10:44
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Ludovic Dubost
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