On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
On Jun 25, 2008, at 12:30 PM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 10:59 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu
Vincent Massol wrote:
I'd like to discuss about filtering document names when they are
created, i.e directly in the XWikiDocument.setFullName()/setName()/
setSpace()/setDatabase() methods.
We could filter out (i.e. remove) the following characters:
* pipe: |
* greater than: >
* brackets: [ and ]
* apostrophe: '
* quote: "
* colon: :
* dot: .
* forward slash: /
Any other?
The reason for ., :, |, >, [ and ] is because these are reserved
characters in wiki link format.
Another option is to allow some escaping for these chars when
a wiki link.
Last we need to think about documents in the DB and which already
these chars. Should we write a migrator to filter these chars too?
Some related jira issues:
And replace them with what? Simply remove them?
The good thing is that the document title can use any character.
On the other hand, I'd rather be able to use any character.
The best solution would be to escape this kind of characters, but
it's too hard.
Yes I would prefer to be able to use anything for documents names but
escaping can be hard to support.
I'd prefer that too but there are some characters we have not choice
other than removing. For example the "/" needs to be removed from a
document name as otherwise it'll clash in the URL. Same goes for ?
/ can be escaped in %2F, ? in %3F, etc.
Of course best would be to use an ID for a document but the problem
remains the same for the aliases in the URLs to that document.
I guess Vincent you are at the best place attach
a difficulty level to
this with your work on the new rendering/parsing.
I don't know how this is handled by wikimodel: [Test[Test>Test]]. I'll
need to try it.
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Thomas Mortagne