Woohoooo! :)
Welcome as a committer Clemens! I’m very happy to have you onboard.
On 6 Jan 2014 at 15:31:07, Thomas Mortagne
(thomas.mortagne@xwiki.com(mailto://thomas.mortagne@xwiki.com)) wrote:
Hi xwikiers,
The committers discussed and voted to include Clemens Robbenhaar in
the team which he agreed so a warm welcome to him !
He has been very active since he started working on XWiki, he already
spend a lot of time answering questions on the mailing list and on IRC
(more than me I think).
On the technical aspect everything I saw from him was good and very
clean and he is clearly no afraid to look at advanced stuff (he spent
a long time last month trying to help Kaisen and Denis on migration
stuff which I'm
sure was not that critically related to his own work).
Note that he is working on XWiki for EsPresto AG (don't forget to add
it to
I'm sure he will be great addition to the team and it's always a nice bonus
to see non XWiki SAS members so active ;)
Welcome !
Thomas Mortagne