On 11/28/2012 08:31 PM, Ludovic Dubost wrote:
2012/11/28 Jerome Velociter
Hi Ludovic, Caty,
This is interesting.
Ludovic if you already started working on this, maybe you could send a
mail with more details and why not start a design document ? I think there
are several aspects of design (software design) that would be interesting
to be discussed.
Yes I'll try to do that when I find some time. I also plan to publish the
code but I still need to put the licence headers before I open the github
Since you are working with jQueryUI, I imagine
and will assume in the rest
of this mail that you are or plan on using a wrapper such as Apache Cordova
(PhoneGap) to package the app for mobile platforms.
The prototype is using PhoneGap/Cordova for the iPhone/iPad. It uses a
special plugin for Offline which I believe exists also for Android but I
haven't tested yet.
Is it the SQLite plugin ? If it is I think it has a slightly different
API than localStorage, which is SQLite for the web and that can be used
from Cordova, with limitations (max 5Mb and requires user explicit
permission). It's easy to write a common API for both so that if there
is no Android SQLite plugin one can use localStorage directly (or write
the Android plugin which shouldn't be very complex).
My development is also compatible with Titanium (Web)
or MacGap allowing to
build a desktop application out of the code. This is also one of the target
of such a development.
Couple of random questions/remarks :
- Do you handle authentication with cookies ? I have started working on a
token-based authenticator with revokable tokens (with mobile clients in
mind as well).
Yes right now I use cookies. Indeed an OAUTH authentication would make
sense but require more work both server side and on the mobile side. I
would be great to have an OAUTH authentication.
Yes that would be great. What I'm doing is not real OAuth either yet,
just revokable token based auth.
- About notifications, I am not sure what you
mean by "I'm not sure if you
get access to the notifications that the user clicked to activate the App",
but with Cordova there's an event that let's you know when an app resumes
(comes back from background). Maybe at that moment you can check if you
have new notifs.
I haven't looked at this part yet but just tested Apple Notifications. See
- Also about notifications, the default strategy
should be
pulled-notifications. Then it could be extended to an environment based
strategy that uses a long lived connection when the phone/device is plugged
(and maybe when it is connected on WiFi, not on mobile networks).
I tried push notifications using on iPhone and iPad and the results were
interesting. I've used JavaPNS (
http://code.google.com/p/javapns/) which
was quite simple to send a notification to an iOS device (except getting
the Apple Certificates). So I was more going with that. You inform the
XWiki Server which pages/spaces you want to track and the wiki will send
push notifications when there are changes on these documents. This is more
efficient than a pull based notification which requires the app to be
OK. I guess it works at the GSM network level, which is good for power
consumption vs AJAX from the app. That's proprietary to Apple though, so
we would need a more generic solution for other devices, which could be
HTTP pull against a REST end point.
- Finally, a project to keep an eye on :
ratchet/ <http://maker.github.com/ratchet/>
Interesting, but I'm not sure I see the advantage of this versus directly
using JQuery Mobile
Right. It has an advantage if you decide to not use jQuery mobile, and
go for a front-end MVC framework instead (like Backbone, angular.js
etc.), but indeed in your case jQuery is focused on UI components
already, so you don't need that.
On 11/28/2012 02:52 PM, Ludovic Dubost wrote:
Hi Cati,
Great proposals that enhances the current UI. My main comments concern
features that are not really finished in the current prototype and would
need some help also from a design/usability perspective:
1/ Adding a page to favorites and notifications
-> This has not been put in the UI and would be needed
-> Should it be a separate favorites than the XWiki Watch List. Right
I don't think so because that would be yet another list and the Server
will need to know about the favorites because it
-> A design for notifications and how they should show up would be
I think notifications could be a general UI item and also show up on the
home page. A notification is sent by the server to the device. The
notification is just a message. The XWiki Application can be activated
the notification but will have to contact the server to know more (I'm not
sure if you get access to the notifications that the user clicked to
activate the App). I think a message could be just "this doc has been
updated" or "X documents have been modified" depending on the
settings of the user).
2/ Adding a page/space/applications to offline documents would be needed
the UI and a management UI for the page/spaces/applications being in the
offline docs
3/ The offline editing features should be removed for now because they are
far from ready
4/ Commenting should be added in the UI
5/ A "share/open" button should be added which opens a popup proposing to
share by email/twitter/open in safari/etc..
6/ A configuration UI would be needed to add/update configuration for a
Wiki. For now a simple URL would be enough + a username and password and
"advanced" button. A specific service will probably be built in XE/XEM to
provide the configuration to the mobile App. It would be possible using
the "advanced configuration" to not need this server based configuration
connect to any wiki but it will be more pratical with this configuration.
7/ I like the Application zone design. Now it should be reusing what is
done in the Application Panel since 4.2 (?). Now the issue is that a
specific REST/XWiki Page service might be needed here, as right now it's
manual configuration. Now the service used for the configuration could
handle that.
2012/11/28 Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) <valicac(a)gmail.com>
Hi devs,
For the Mobile App Investigation, Ludovic has
been playing with a XWiki
Mobile App prototype done with jQuery Mobile (
This is a proposal for a mobile application that matches the jQuery
framework capabilities and that provides minimal XWiki functionality
listing wikis, spaces, pages, accessing content, viewing recent activity,
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