On 08/21/2012 02:20 PM, echocoder wrote:
I have the BulletinBoard plugin installed into Xwiki
to use as a forum. The
forum works fine if it is accessed directly. However, I have a page in the
Xwiki that includes a menu and a particular section of the forum. I can see
content, I am just unable to add new topics via the page that contains a
menu. When accessing the forum directly under the same section I am able to
add new topics. The problem is that the site navigational menu must be
included so this "middle man" page is necessary.
The page that includes references to the menu and the forum section is
written as:
(% style="margin-top: -2em;" %)
|(% style="vertical-align: top; position: relative; top: -1.0em; left:
-0.4em; border:0;" %)(((
{{include document="CTAs.Menu"/}}
)))|(% style="width: 100%; border-width: medium; border-style: none;
border-color: -moz-use-text-color; vertical-align: top;" %)(((
(% style="margin-top: -0.7em; margin-left: -0.25em" %)
{{include document="BulletinBoard.CTAENS" context="new"/}}
Where CTAs.Menu is the menu I need to include and the BullentinBoard.CTAENS
is the section of the forum I need to display.
The page displays fine, however the link "Add new topic" is not functional.
The error that seems to be generated due to this action is....
012-08-21 12:32:33,548 [/xwiki/bin/view/CTAs/ens_forum] ERROR
rnal.DefaultObservationManager - Fail to send event
[org.xwiki.observation.event.ActionExecutionEvent@373aa5] to listener
Which version of XWiki are you using?
Sergiu Dumitriu