Hi everyone,
I'm currently working on allowing inline editing on new wikimacros.
My first challenge right now is to cope with the problem of inserting
the macro content and allowing to inline edit it.
In order to do so, I propose to create two new dedicated macro:
- wikimacrocontent: would allow to insert and inline edit a wiki
macro content
- wikimacroparameter: the same for a parameter.
The idea would be to be able to write something such as:
This is a content of $xcontext.macro.content.length() characters.
So the purpose of those macros would be twofold:
1. to ease the insertion of macro content/parameters (no need to
always use {{velocity}}$xcontext.macro.content{{/velocity}}
2. to create the dedicated metadata around the content and to be
processed during wikimacro rendering to allow inline editing
Of course those macro would be only to be used inside a wikimacro.
I started to develop the wikimacroccontent, so I have a first working
POC, but I'd like to know WDYT about this.
I would also be really happy if you could give me some wikimacro
examples where the inline editing would make sense, so I could use it in
my tests.
Simon Urli
Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
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