plz see below
On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 6:01 PM, Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu(a)> wrote:
Pascal Voitot wrote:
hello guys,
I do the following:
- I have a class with a DBStringList property "mylist"
- In a velocity script, I do:
#set($obj = $doc.getObject("MyClass", $mynb)
#set($mylist = $obj.get("mylist"))
#set($mylist = "${mylist}|${mynewlistitem}")
#set($ret = $obj.set("mylist", $mylist))
#set($ret = $
- I run this script and I can see in the DB that "mynewlistitem" was
as listitem to "mylist" but the item
doesn't appear in the object editor
property "mylist" in my document.
- Moreover, I get some rendering exception in contentview.vm when I try
access this object in other velocity scripts.
- When I create the link using the Object editor, then everything works
but I don't see anything different in the DB
from the previous state.
- I have tried the same with:
#set($obj = $doc.getObject("MyClass", $mynb)
#set($mylist = $obj.getProperty("mylist").getValue())
#set($ret = $mylist.add("${mynewlistitem}"))
#set($ret = $
same result...
It seems the Object property is saved but it is not taken into account by
the object in the document.
Do you any clue for me?
- is the property multiselect? relational storage?
multiselect relation storage
- would the mynewlistitem value be returned by the DB search? Or is it a
new value you want to include manually?
in Object editor, I use the DB search to return this value (which is stored
in DB) plus another string (which is the displayed value)
select myvalue, mystring from ...
In my velocity script, I had this value manually directly accessing the
property... But after that, I verify it has been stored using the Object
- does the DB query normally return one or two values?
2 values
- what exactly is the error you receive?
I don't have it here now but this is a kind of StackOverflow in
I will search with the debugger if you don't have any quick idea... In fact,
as my property is well stored in the DB (I have verified manually), I don't
see the wrong interaction between this property and its object in this
case... what's different between accessing the property from the object
editor or from my velocity script?
Sergiu Dumitriu
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