I was wondering if anyone eventually got DB2 to work with any version of xwiki.
Currently, I am running into some problem creating the database tables. I am using the
import scripts provided on the Admin page however, DB2 is complaining that the table
column definition is invalid. Below is the error I recieved:
17:12:45,093 ERROR main XWikiHibernateBaseStore:updateSchema:327 - Failed updating
schema: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -604, SQLSTATE: 42611, SQLERRMC: varchar(4000000)
17:12:45,125 WARN main JDBCExceptionReporter:logExceptions:71 - SQL Error: -204,
SQLState: 42704
17:12:45,125 ERROR main JDBCExceptionReporter:logExceptions:72 - DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE:
17:12:45,125 WARN main JDBCExceptionReporter:logExceptions:71 - SQL Error: -727,
SQLState: 56098
I have seen some list posts from 2005 however I have not seen any follow up.
Tony Nuzzi
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