With Raffaello we found a MySQL bug that can make this query return an
empty result set in MySQL 5.
There is a workwround by writing the query this way
#set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, DBStringListProperty as prop join
prop.list list where obj.name=doc.fullName and obj.id=prop.id.id and
prop.id.name='tags' and list = 'KB-4D'")
The same type of join or an in query should probably be used instead of
using elements(prop.list) which seems to generate some sql that MySQL
does not want to handle propertly.
So this would be:
#set($sql = "select distinct elements(prop.list) from BaseObject as obj,
DBStringListProperty as prop where
obj.className='XWiki.TagClass' and obj.id=prop.id.id and
prop.id.name='tags' and obj.name in (select obj1.name from BaseObject as obj1,
DBStringListProperty as prop1 join prop1.list list
where obj1.id=prop1.id.id and prop1.id.name='tags' and list =
#set ($tags = $xwiki.search($sql))
Jean-Vincent Drean wrote:
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 4:08 PM, Bruno Neves
<bneves(a)gedi.pt> wrote:
My objective is to list every document with some tag (e.g. "MainTag"), and
next, select all tags of these
documents without repeating any of them (including "MainTag").
I tried to merge the next two queries but without sucess.
This query selects every document that have the tag "KB-4D":
#set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, DBStringListProperty as prop where
obj.name=doc.fullName and
obj.className='XWiki.TagClass' and obj.id=prop.id.id and
prop.id.name='tags' and 'KB-4D' in
elements(prop.list) order by doc.name asc")
#set ($list = $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql))
This query selects every tags present in the documents listed by the previous query:
#set($sql = "select distinct elements(prop.list) from BaseObject as obj,
DBStringListProperty as prop where
obj.className='XWiki.TagClass' and obj.id=prop.id.id and
prop.id.name='tags' and obj.name='$item'")
#set ($tags = $xwiki.search($sql))
Can anyone help me with this?
This should do the trick (require programming rights) :
#set($sql = "select distinct elements(prop.list) from XWikiDocument as
doc, BaseObject as obj, DBStringListProperty as prop where
obj.name=doc.fullName and obj.className='XWiki.TagClass' and
obj.id=prop.id.id and prop.id.name='tags' and 'KB-4D' in
elements(prop.list) order by doc.name asc")
#set ($list = $xwiki.search($sql))
PS: How can I put snippet code on code.xwiki.org?
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