Dear all,
I have just committed the new XEclipse infrastructure to the trunk.
For building and installation instruction you can go to…
As I have said in a previous message this version has a new
architecture and a better integration with the Eclipse platform and
has a more stable and flexible caching system that can be easily
extended. It is almost feature equivalent with the previous one: I
only need to figure out how to integrate Eclipse working sets and to
re-integrate RCP (so at the moment the new XEclipse is only available
as a platform plugin). I am working on this.
The most important new feature, though, is object edition.
XEclipse works fine with both Eclipse 3.3.x and 3.4Mx and can be
compiled with one of these two platforms.
I encourage you to install and try it.
For GSoCers:
1) Malaka, editors are located in the org.xwiki.eclipse.ui plugins in
the org.xwiki.eclipse.ui.editors.* packages. As you will notice these
are full fledged editors that are not configured for any content-
assist, syntax highlighting support (which you are going to write
soon :)) At some point you will need to plug your infrastructure to
the org.xwiki.eclipse.ui.editors.PageEditor and
We will talk about this later.
2) As far as I understood, Enygma is working on the Eclipse-offline
project that eventually will be integrated into XWiki Eclipse.
It could be interesting for him to have a look at the interface. This is an
interface that is currently used by the DataManager for handling data
exchange between a "master" and "slave" XWiki storages (i.e., a remote
XWiki and a local Cache). The DataManager should be fully configurable
so, for example, it should be possible to use two remote XWikis as
master and slave. The only problem, right now, is that the slave data
storage semantics should preserve the version number at each save, and
the RemoteXWikiDataStorage does not have such a semantics right now.