On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 2:30 AM, Evelina Slatineanu
<evelina.slatineanu(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Since the admin templates will be deleted and replaced
by an AdminSheet
which will be included by default in XwikiPreferences (wiki level) and
WebPreferences (space level), I need to create the WebPreferences document
for each space, attach an Xwiki.XwikiPreferences object to it and include
the AdminSheet.
To do that, I need to write some java code in the core . So , here's my
1) At xwiki intitialization create all the WebPreferences for the
currently existing spaces in the wiki (this should be done for all the
wikis, if in a multi-wiki).
I guess a migrator would be the best way to do this.
2) Then, use a notification system to create the
WebPreferences for
any new space in the wiki in one of two ways:
a) When calling the "view" action on AnySpace.WebPreferences, check if
it exists, if not create it, attach the obj. and include the sheet
b) When calling the "save" action on AnySpace.AnyDoc, check if
AnySpace.WebPreferences exists, if not, create it etc.
I'm +1 for 2) b) :
* saving the WebPreferences document on a view action looks bad to me :
** we'd have to bypass context user rights when he don't have edit
rights on the space
** we'd have to check that there's at least 1 page within the
requested space before creating the WebPreferences
** it will slow down the view request
* it seems logical that the first user to create a page within a
space gets the admin right on it
notify(XWikiNotificationRule rule, XWikiDocument doc,
String action, XWikiContext context)
That's the usual way to do what is described in 2) b).
Thomas Mortagne also told me that this notif system is
a little bit outdated
and would be replaced by the observation component, but I have no idea which
I should use.
I don't know this component as well.
Also, according to the specifs in the draft above, so
far I created the
Xwiki.AdminSheet, that will display the main categories (General,
Presentation, Rights, Users, Groups, Import/Export etc). For each section of
this menu I created a sheet (General - > Xwiki.GeneralSheet etc.) in which I
can personalize the display. I also created Xwiki.AdminSectionSheet which
contains the common code to display the fields necessary from the
Xwiki.XwikiPreferences object and this sheet will be included in the
sections where is needed (Genera, Presentation etc.) The reason I created
separated sheets for each section of the menu (which are fixed as number) is
to keep the code clean and allow the possibility to display something else
than fields from the xwiki prefs. object (for example for rights, users,
groups, import/export).
I would really really appreciate some feedback for this 2 proposals.
Looks good to me.
Jean-Vincent Drean