On 3 août 08, at 21:40, malaka ekanayake wrote:
Hi all,
For the moment I would leave out the user defined macros and
concentrate on the error reporting and $xwiki API assistance.
As you have told, I started looking at the $xwiki API and the ways
to provide the content assistance.
* But then I realized that it would be better off to provide content
assistance to xwiki and velocity. XWiki content assistance is
already implemented, I basically modified that implementation to
provide content assistance to Velociry directives and variables.
* Earlier when the partition type was default_content
there were
only xwiki syntax. But Now we can expect both xwiki and velocity
syntax. Now I need a way to provide completion proposals depending
on whether it is xwiki or velocity. Therefore I implemented a
DefaultCompletionProcessor which basicall delegates the computing of
proposals to the appropriate completionProcessor depending on xwki
or velocity. I didn' changed the functionaty of the exsisting
I was looking at the XWikiCompletionProcessor and it has indeed to be
refactored because I think it's a bit messy.
There are some idiosyncrasies, for example structural completion and
link completion are done in this processor registered for the default
content type, while there are already a lot of partition type to
assign processors to (I will ask to Venkatesh for that).
* Providing content assistance for Velociry directives
is completed.
The list of defined velocity variables can be extracted from the
velocity parser. I could complete processing of proposals for
variables using hardcoded list of variables. This can be replaced
once I integrate the Velocity parser.
* When implementing above feature, i had to refactor
the way, the
document is partitioned. This also resulted in some changes in
syntax colouring.
That's fine.
Herewith I have attached the patch files, because I
can't commit the
code to sandbox. I've sent a mail regariding this to the mailing
list before.
I've see that you were able to commit. I will review the code asap and
I'll get you feedback (I am abroad and the internet connection is not
very good).
Now I am forcusing on provinding content assistance to
the $xwiki
API and integration of velocity parser.
Ok. Great.