The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.3.2
Go grab it at
This is a bug fix release.
Bugs fixed
* XWIKI-2283 - Overwrite on importing translation documents deletes
the original document too
* XWIKI-2293 - PropertyChangedRule does not work
* XWIKI-2298 - Character escaping using \ doesn't work anymore
* XWIKI-2299 - The XWiki object is created more than once
* XWIKI-2300 - HibernateStore synchronization problem
* XWIKI-2304 - When a user or a group is removed it's not removed from
rights objects
* XWIKI-2309 - Migration between xwiki 1.1.x and 1.2.x (and above) can
fail because of some documents
* XWIKI-2302
For more information see the Release notes at:
The XWiki dev team