Well this is a very interesting topic of discusssion and me and the XWiki SAS Research
would like to do whatever we can to help evolve XWiki forward (but don't let us get in
the way!)
On 04/11/16 14:34, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi devs,
We’ve been developing XWiki over 10 years now. I’d like to start a discussion about major
architecture changes we may want to do in the coming 5 years.
With this discussion I have 2 goals in mind:
* Prepare XWiki for the challenges ahead (prevent it from being obsolete, have an
architecture that can adapt to changes, etc)
* Make XWiki an interesting project to develop on for its developers (interesting
technologies, interesting intellectual challenges, etc)
The futurist in me sees an ongoing struggle between hot new technologies and good working
as a reflection of the struggle between engineers who love to play and learn vs. managers
have to balance budget. Of course we want something of a middle road where we pluck out
the good
*ideas* from modern technologies without being swept up in every fad.
Let me start with a few large architecture items I can think about:
* Polyglotism for the front end. This is the ability to code the XWiki UI in any language
(PHP, Node.js, javascript, native applications, etc). Right now XWiki UIs are coded mostly
using Velocity (and a bit of javascript). It would be nice to be more agnostic and to
attract non java developers. The core (Server part) could still be in Java but it would be
nice that UIs and extensions could be developed in any language. One architecture that
could achieve this would be to have a Core Server exposing all operations as REST APIs.
This would decouple the Server part from the Client part. It also means having all XWiki
API modules offering REST APIs and making it extra easy to add new REST APIs.
I agree with the thinking because I feel Velocity has lived out it's useful life, it
drops all of
its variables to the global scope and doesn't have functions which makes debugging
terrible and
it is positively alien to almost everyone who comes to XWiki.
That said, I want to caution about the lure of anything-anywhere-polyglotism. Each
language has
it's own ecosystem. Virt.x project made a system where they advertized you could
program in Java,
Javascript, Groovy, Ruby or Ceylon. As far as I know, this project has not gotten any
traction and I think this is because their Javascript is still alien to the Nodejs
their Ruby is still alien to the Rails community, etc.
My opinion is we must choose between being a little piece of a bigger ecosystem (node,
php, etc.)
or we must build our own ecosystem (what we have been doing so far). That said, I still
think we
should begin phasing out Velocity.
My recommendation is we pick a language which works reasonably well for our needs yet has
significant familiarity and then begin to make this language the Lingua franca of XWiki
and begin
porting our Velocity code and documentation over to it.
* Greatly simplify development of XWiki Extensions. There are several directions that I
can think of:
** Direction 1: Expose the resources making up an Extension on the file system and let
users use their favorite tools to write the content (web IDEs, text editors, etc)
** Direction 2: Develop an IDE in the cloud. Again there are 2 options here:
*** Take ownership of the XWiki Web IDE application and push it much further
*** Go in the direction of integrating with a well-known cloud IDE such as Eclipse
Che/CodeEnvy (with pre-built workspaces, docker VMs and one click deploy to test your
extension, direct deployment of extensions to e.x.o, etc).
** Other: In general, make it faster to develop extensions. The advantage of the Cloud
IDE or Web IDE is that it removes the burden of setting up the tools on your local machine
(maven, java, etc) so someone new to XWiki should be operational under 5 minutes to run
the first tutorial.
From observation of the patterns which engineers choose to take when not pushed, I find
that they
are generally more comfortable with direction 1. Obviously we in the Research team would
be thrilled
to see WebIDE take on a new life as an XWiki product but I find that engineers will go to
war for
their text editor and prefer a process which is more inline with what they know from
nodejs, php or
ruby on rails.
The issues which I have observed blocking people who come to the platform from outside
* APIs are complex and undiscoverable, it's ok to put them on the website (php, nodejs
do this) but they need to be first on google when you search XWiki API.
* No clear connection between development and github.
* Release process is crazy: requires maven flags, settings.xml, PGP keys, java versions.
Compared to `npm publish` or bower where you need only git tag and you're done, this
is stone age.
* Fragility because of layers of legacy code: for people used to throwing things together
with node, ruby or php, the level of fault handling which is required to make a stable
XWiki app is like working on the OS kernel.
1-3 are resolvable but #4 is something that is usually only fixed by doing a ground-up
rewrite of
the application, something which will become easier and easier as time goes on due to the
maturing tools available in different ecosystems. This is an oppertunity and a risk, the
is that we can take our body of knowledge and use it to build something new which is
cheaper to
maintain and more exciting for others to use, the risk is that others will be increasingly
able to
do the same.
A solution to everything is that we don't think of XWiki so much as a programming
platform and try
to just make a very good KM tool, then we only fight #4 internally.
* Promote our SOLR Query Language as the main query language for XWiki and deprecate
XWQL/HQL. Goal: make querying independent of the stores (right now we have a single store
implemented on a RDBMS but we can imagine in the future moving to another type of store,
and even to multiple stores).
** Make it easy for extensions to contribute new SOLR indexes for their needs.
** Once we use only SOLR QL we can then more easily switch to a different database model.
We would also need the next Generation XAR format to be able to fully export an XWiki
instance (or some part of it) into a XAR and be able to reimport it (right now lots of
stuff are not in the XAR such as data found in the permanent directory).
Personally I would run the other direction, limit the database type in order to limit the
of problems which we might have to solve so we can concentrate on things which make
customer value.
One way to do this is use an internal database (absolute control) paired with a
"replication" store
(absolute flexibility).
* Move towards a container-based approach to install/deploy XWiki (docker, etc). The idea
being to start being microservices-friendly. Right now we already have 2 such services in
XWiki: external SOLR + office imports with an office server. We need to be able to include
those in distributions and add more. It should be easy to develop a new microservice and
set it up in XWiki for redistribution.
Docker images make problems go away for a tester so I agree with the idea, beware of
for microservices sake though and also word on the street is nobody uses docker in
production so
after the testing phase is over, people still need a solution to install for real.
** It may be interesting to investigate infrastructure
frameworks such as kubernetes, apache karaf and the like. The goal being to build systems
that are more responsive, resilient, auto-adaptive, elastic (see the reactive manifesto at
Buzzwords... please identify the pain-point first.
I suppose this is a good place to say that right now, everybody in the tech space runs the
risk of
jumping from one dead technology to another because when an organization identifies that
particular technology in their stack is dead, they are often lead to adopt the one which
is making
the most buzz in the hopes of being a long time away from the (assumed inevitable) death
of that
However, we must not lose sight of the Darwinian nature of technology lifecycles.
Moving from a dead technology such as PrototypeJS to a "hot" technology such as
AngularJS runs a
great risk of picking a loser and then when we find that it's parent company abandons
it in favor
of Angular2 and the community abandons both in favor of ReactJS, we're hosed. If
instead we move
to a well established yet still reasonably modern technology such as JQuery, we have very
risk of this being uprooted.
Globally I would recommend identifying what it is you want to make, then ensure there is a
way to
make business around it (otherwise the project will go the way of GNU/everything) and then
start looking for the technologies/ecosystems which reach the best happy-medium between
getting you
where you want to be, making innovation so they will still be with you in the future and
stable and unlikely to go away.
** We could imagine to be able to package our office
import micro-services (ie including an office server) as an extension that can be
installed and deployed in the XWiki system automatically.
Ok that’s already a good start.
Let me know if you feel excited by some of those and feel free to add more. Note that the
idea here is to brainstorm about large architecture changes.
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