Be advised that deploying on JBoss 5 has an issue in using jython scripts.
I created a patch to fix the problem and submitted it to jython
development to be implemented. That issue can be viewed at
In short, the problem is that JBoss 5 introduced the vfszip protocol for
jar files which prefixes "SomeJarFileClass.class.getName()" with
"vfszip:" versus "jar:file:" (which happens in containers like Tomcat)
jython uses the latter string to obtain the jar filename in order to
produce a classpath for jython. That classpath would point to the jar file
for python modules, like When using a macro, like the code macro,
you get the error, "ImportError: No module named re".
I made a personal fix by applying the patch to jython 2.5.1 source (the
patch provided to jython maintainers is for version 2.5.2b1, but might
work) and performed a build up to the point where the class
PySystemState.class was created. I then did jar -uvf jython...
org/python/core/PySystemState.class to update that one class. As a side
effect of that command (I guess) I then also had to include jna-posix.jar
from the extlibs directory of the jython distro. in xwiki's lib directory.
Let me know if you have questions by e-mailing directly (if that's an
option). I may not be monitoring this list much longer. I just wanted to
let people know about this.