Hi JV,
On Aug 12, 2007, at 9:13 PM, Jean-Vincent Drean wrote:
+#if($query != "")
+ #set($lucene = $xwiki.getPlugin("lucene"))
+ #if($lucene)
+ #else
+ Error: Lucene plugin not found.
I think it would be nice to tell the user that the Lucene plugin is
not enabled in xwiki's configuration and add a link to the old search
Also what happens if the lucene plugin isn't found? It seems to me
the rest of the code below will get executed, no?
+ #end
+#set($doRebuild = $request.getParameter("rebuild"))
+ #set($lucene = $xwiki.getPlugin("lucene"))
+ #if($lucene)
+ #set($documentCount = $lucene.rebuildIndex($xwiki,$context))
+ #if(${documentCount}>=0)
+ #info("Started index rebuild with $documentCount documents.\\
+ Will take some time depending on
the number of pages/attachments.")
+ #else
+ #error("Error: Index rebuild failed.")
+ #end
+ #end
+ #if($xwiki.hasAdminRights())
+ #info ("[Rebuild the lucene index>${doc.web}.${doc.name}?
+ #end
+#warning("This is the new lucene search engine.\\
+ You can still use the XWiki [default search
There's an extra dot ("."). Shouldn't this be an "info" rather
than a
warning? Or it could stay a warning but in that case it might be
better to tell the user that this is an experimental feature, WDYT?