I've realized another proposal for the homepage, it's
to Silvia who uploaded image).
In the uppper part there are the links equivalent to the tab bar proposed by
Silvia in her proposal,
i've added "Get Involved" that's equivalent to "How do I
but is placed in the upper part
of the homepage. In the centre there is a rounded box where should be placed
the Xwiki logo plus a motto
and an awesome background similarly to
www.kde.org at the end of the
homepage for me should be placed
some links with a nice show effect(i think jquery could do this).
Source of inspiration(i'm a "thief" :))
- easy to read <http://informationarchitects.jp/100e2r/>
- example_KDE <http://kde.org/>
- apache_menu <http://www.apache.org/>