Hi James,
See my previous mail.
On 03/27/2011 05:34 PM, 许凌志(Jamesxu) wrote:
I need to build and run wysiwyg editor seperately, I
have tried downloaded
all the source file from svn:
http://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/platform/web/trunk/ and builded it using
"mvn install", then I got a war file with complied GWT javascript and
related files and two jars: xwiki-web-gwt-wysiwyg-server-3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar,
xwiki-web-gwt-wysiwyg-client-3.1-SNAPSHOT-shared.jar, but I didn't find the
entry to run wysiwyg editor, so that I can run it on my browser seperately
in order to test my own code further.
The WYSIWYG editor is not a standalone web application. It's more like a
widget that you use in your own web application. Also, its most
important features: link, image and macro insertion/editing are XWiki
specific and thus won't work outside of XWiki Enterprise. That's why you
should download the latest XWiki Enterprise snapshot (as suggested in my
previous mail) and update the editor.
If you want to try the editor outside of XWiki for your curiosity, then
you can simply copy the xwe directory somewhere and create an HTML page
like this
Note that the server side code (xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-server) is XWiki
specific. You'd have to come with a different implementation for the
GWT-RPC services if you want to use them outside XWiki. But I don't
think you're looking for this.
However I found a document
it tells to run test on browser using the maven profile -Pmanual, I tried
-Pmanual is only for running unit tests in the browser.
Hope this helps,
it, but still can not run it on the browser.
Anyone can tell me how to run the wysiwyg editor so that I can work on the
codes, and test it in my own browser?