Hi Marc,
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Lijour [mailto:marc@lijour.net]
Sent: samedi 30 décembre 2006 19:18
To: xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-dev] [Proposal] Create wikis/ module in SVN
On Saturday 30 December 2006 05:59, jeremi joslin wrote:
On 12/27/06, Vincent Massol
<vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: jeremi23(a)gmail.com [mailto:jeremi23@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
jeremi joslin
Sent: mercredi 27 décembre 2006 14:20
To: xwiki-dev(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-dev] [Proposal] Create wikis/ module in SVN
it's a good idea to save
xwiki.org on the svn. But i'm not sure
it's a good idea to put it in the same trunk as xwiki core. I
would prefer to have it somwhere else.
I would like to do it in 2 steps:
* step 1: create them in xwiki/xwiki/trunk.
* step 2: create some other place later on when we have our
structure cleaned up more.
One rationale now is to have the same release cycle for the site
xwiki.org) as for the code so I think it makes sense, for now at
least, to have it in the same place as the code.
It makes sens to have it sync. But someone who just want the source
code of the core of xwiki does not want
xwiki.org pages. We should
to keep the core code as small as possible I
think. And
xwiki.org is
not all about the core, it's also about plugins, applications who
there own lifecycle. I would prefer to have it
somewhere else on the
repository, even if we tag it at the same time as the xwiki core.
In svn we have a unique revison number for all the repository, so
already sync.
What do you think?
Good question Jeremi.
Hmm... I'm not sure I understand the relationship between your answer and
this thread. I'm possibly missing something.
How do I make and plug my XWiki initial pages to a
customized instance
of XWiki?
Can this process be automated in some way that the user could point to
her set of initial pages?
One option is to use the packager tool (in xwiki-tools/packager). It's not
documented yet. I have a jira issue for doing this. Another option which I'd
like to put in our build later on is to control the import from the admin
page from the build.
From the point of view of the user, developing an
application on top of
XWiki, it would be nice to have some control over the initial state of
the database.
Is there some documentation on that topic?
Not yet. Any help is welcome :-)
As far as I understand an application can be packaged
(exported from
the dev
station) as a XAR file (spanning many spaces for example).
However, if the application needs a plugin or an additional radeox
filter or macro for example, then the code source needs to be modified
and repackaged.
Yes. In the far future, we'll package everything in a single XAR file and
use some custom classloader to load stuff. This is XWiki 2.0. For now it
involves some manual steps.
One requirement for any application I guess would be
to make it easy to
move to an upgraded XWiki instance. XAR files are great help for that
matter. But when classes are added/modified from the source code,
another solution is needed (like a custom ant file based on the xwiki
ant file).
You can create a WAR file containing the modification and then overlay the
XWiki WAR created by the xwiki build. With Maven2 this is very simple as
shown in xwiki/xwiki/trunk/web/exo. You can do the same using any build
But once an ant file is in place, it could be easy to
customize the
initial state of the database as well?
Not sure what you mean by initial state of the database and what is the
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