The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering, XWiki Platform, XWiki Enterprise and
XWiki Enterprise Manager 3.2. Following the goals established for the
3.x cycle, XWiki Enterprise 3.2 pushes forward in the directions of the
Application Within Minutes and Extension Manager features. The
highlights of this release are:
* many extension manager improvements
* new implementation of the sheet system making it easier to bind sheets
to objects without an explicit inclusion of the sheet in the document
* user dashboards giving each user the possibility to configure their
own home page
* introduction of wiki workspaces, as a more collaborative way of
managing an XWiki virtual farm
* improvements of search results scoring
* storage improvements, bringing in numerous performance and
compatibility improvements
* conversion of the panels application to the XWiki 2.0+ syntax
* easier activation and configuration of Google Analytics
And on the developers' front:
* CSRF prevention enabled by default
* support for DocBook syntax
* xwiki-commons and xwiki-rendering are now published on the central
Maven2 repository
* some major code cleanup due to the retirement of some very old plugins
and the move of legacy/deprecated code into separate modules
See the full release notes at for
more details.
Sergiu Dumitriu