On 16 juin 08, at 06:23, malaka ekanayake wrote:
Hi fabio
During the weekend I have written a sample plugine for xwiki
highlighting some of xwiki syntax .Hear are the list of syntaxes
which supports it.
Titles ,Bulleted Lists,Text Styles,Info Macro
There are some improvements needed to be done . I am having some
trouble with identifying composite syntax like bold & Italic. I think
I will need your help on that.
Ok, we'll work on that.
At the same time is there any reference to learn the
jface API
because at the moment only I have is the art
icle you gave to me. I think I need to understand it more deeply .So
any reference related to JFace Text API will be nice since :D.
Apart the javadoc and some articles found on the net, I am not aware
of any place that contains a comprehensive documentation.
Maybe on books, but I have 2 books on Eclipse plugins and none of them
provide an in depth presentation of this part of the Eclipse framework.
What do you need exactly? I might try to find some documentation.
Frankly the document I gave you is the *best* and most comprehensive
document that I've ever found about the JFace text framework.
Anyway, the way I do is the following:
1) Lookup in books
2) Some googling + experiment
3) Ecipse wiki (very messy)
4) Asking question on the eclipse newgroups (
I will commit my work to the sandbox today.
I didn't have time to look in to the Vincent's parser yet. I 'll
start it by today.Meantime is there any news from Venkatesh
Venkatesh has sent an email last thursday. He has already done a lot
and maybe he could integrate its work with yours once you commit in
the sandbox.
I think that investigating the integration of Vincent's parser and
evaluating the complexity is a good thing to do.
For the next step you might try to look at Vincent's parser see how
difficult is to integrate it in the Eclipse text frameworks for
making, for example, the same kind of processing you have already done
from scratch.
This will give us an idea of what is needed and how complex it is.
I'll look at this as well.
Please commit your work as soon as possible so I that I can start
reviewing it and helping you in a more effective way.