Vincent Massol wrote:
-1 for now (I can be convinced to change it): RawBlock is very special
and should only be interpreted by renderers which understand the raw
syntax. The plain text renderer shouldn't understand any syntax IMO.
I'd like to see a real use case before changing my -1 to a +1.
Please, excuse me if this is a stupid example, doesn't fit with what you
are chatting about, or it will be solved by the parameters to be
introduced with 2.0m2, but I've not been able yet to find an answer to
this issue.
As posted in some elder message more than a year ago, I would like to
use XWiki to collaborate in the creation of simple, so far, pieces of R
code (
Here a rather simple example...
?xpage=plain print it nicely, but it includes HTML code that thrown an
exception when received by R.
While working with XWiki 1.0 Syntax, just one line in the code generates
HTML code...
If I scape [ and ] in toPlot<-toPlot[order(toPlot$medio),], xpage=plain
generates other HTML code, so this is not a solution.
If I copy and paste the content of the view window...
... in the R application prompt, it do the trick. But I am not able to
find how to pass to the concerned command -source()- the right contents.
I do hope this is not only noise! Thanks.
Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team