Hi, we noticed an issue during host activation where a single host being
activated would cause all hosts in the fleet to then clear their security
cache. Upon investigation, we discovered that this was due to a JGroups
message being sent for a DocumentUpdatedEvent. Here is a sample message
received by one of the hosts in the fleet:
Fri May 11 16:18:04 0995 GMT Wiki -@<host> [DEBUG] <null> (null) Received
JGroups remote event [event:
[org.xwiki.bridge.event.DocumentUpdatedEvent@16e3c8e3], source:
[{docversion=41.1, doclanguage=, origdocversion=41.1, origdoclanguage=,
docname=xwiki:XWiki.XWikiServerXwiki}], data: [{contextwiki=xwiki,
contextuser=XWiki.XWikiGuest}]], id: <id_here> timestamp: [Fri May 11
16:18:04 UTC 2018] air time: 22 ms RID=, SESSION=
From what we can tell, the initialization triggers the
XWikiServerXwikiDocumentInitializer's updateDocument() event. As expected,
this document update produces the DocumentUpdatedEvent shown above. When the
hosts receive this event through JGroups, it triggers [this condition in the
which then proceeds to remove the 'xwiki' node from the security cache (and
everything else in the cache as well since they are all connected to that
What is the purpose of this update document on initialization and is there
any way for us to avoid it? For example, we could perhaps override the
DefaultSecurityCacheRulesInvalidatorListener and comment out that condition
if there are no major repercussions. Thanks!
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