We have a number of xwiki servers set up in a clustered environment.
Occasionally, we are not able to "bounce" our servers - we restart the servers
one by one, and get many of the following error:
ERRORS>> ERROR [org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.ClientGmsImpl]
<08:30:24,559> suspect() should not be invoked on an instance of
org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.ClientGmsImpl <UpHandler (GMS)>
We upgraded our jgroups to 2.2.9, and this has significantly reduced how often this
happens, but it still does happen.When this happens, we need to bring down all the servers
and restart.
Has anyone encountered this issue ?
What is the recommended version of jgroups and configuration ?
Is there a recommendation for how to restart xwiki servers while achieving 24x7 uptime
witgh a cluster ?
Thank you in advance
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