Hi Emily,
On 24 Mar 2015 at 12:26:17, Emily Sterenfeld
(emily.sterenfeld@xwiki.com(mailto:emily.sterenfeld@xwiki.com)) wrote:
I'm restarting my request, better following the
procedure. Sorry for being
imprecise before.
Some contexte for my request: I'm an intern at XWiki SAS doing a small
application for my internshop which finishes this week and I need a place
to deliver my project.
Too bad you didn’t create it before! :) We could have shared tips and helped you make it
follow best practices over time.
But better now than never!
I would like a contrib project for the following
Application Name: "Acquisitions Application"
Application Description: "Inventory and Request Management Application.
This application allows to do an inventory of any material (computer,
phones, accessories) done by a company. It allows includes a request
management application to help manage new requests."
For this application I would need:
- A github repository (my username is EmilySterenfeld) names
- A jira project XAACQUISTIONS (XWiki Application
Acquistion Management)
One I have this, I will commit the code I have worked
on a release the
application on
Thank you