The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.2 RC 3.
Go grab it at
This is the third and hopefully last release candidate for the 1.2
version. It fixes several bugs, especially regading Oracle support.
The final release is still planned for mid-January.
Changes from 1.2RC2:
* XWIKI-1993: Database schema update issue when migrating from XE
1.1.2 to 1.2 RC2 on Oracle 10g
* XWIKI-1995: Error inserting NULL values in NOT-NULL fields
under Oracle for Version Comments/Authors
* XWIKI-1975: Exception displayed in the log when upgrading from
a previous 1.2 release to 1.2 RC2
* XWIKI-1979: FileUploadPlugin should not call cleanFileList in
* XWIKI-1981: UI issue when using the new rights managements UI
with IE7
* XWIKI-1946: Attachment renaming in the WYSIWYG Editor doesn't
keep the file extension
* XE-175: Show the "delete" button next to members in the group
only when the group is edited
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team