Hi Bruno,
On Aug 29, 2008, at 6:51 PM, Bruno Neves wrote:
I finally completed my knowledge base. I separate the information in
pages, and organize it by subject and
knowledge base. To do that I tag every page with a subject tag and a
knowledge tag always started with "KB-".
If I want one page pesent in two knowledge bases I only nedd to tag
it with the tags.
I send the example for you to see and say if it's worthy of being in
the XWiki Code Zone?
What would be really cool would be if you could create code snippets
for the code snippets Jean-Vincent and Ludovic provided you with on
the list.
Now for your knowledge base I'm sure it's useful too so it would be
great if you could also create an application in the code zone for it
too with some nice description and screenshots to show what it does.
That's really cool