On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 4:15 PM Simon Urli <simon.urli(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
On 09/05/2019 14:52, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi Simon,
> On 9 May 2019, at 09:36, Simon Urli <simon.urli(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> On 09/05/2019 09:10, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>>> On 7 May 2019, at 08:21, Simon Urli <simon.urli(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I'm currently working on allowing inline editing on new wikimacros.
>> Why only on wikimacros? We also need to be able to edit existing
wikimacros to make them inline-editable.
> of course, here I only meant that already existing macro wouldn't be
inline editable immediately, they would require some edition for that.
>>> My first challenge right now is to cope with the problem of inserting
the macro content and allowing to inline edit it.
>>> In order to do so, I propose to create two new dedicated macro:
>>> - wikimacrocontent: would allow to insert and inline edit a wiki
macro content
>>> - wikimacroparameter: the same for
a parameter.
>>> The idea would be to be able to write something such as:
>>> {{velocity}}
>>> {{wikimacrocontent/}}
>>> This is a content of $xcontext.macro.content.length() characters.
>>> {{/velocity}}
>> I don’t understand. The content is "This is a content of
$xcontext.macro.content.length() characters.” but it’s outside of
“{{wikimacrocontent/}}”, is this a typo?
Indeed you didn't understand my example :)
It was the code of the wikimacro, not the code of its usage.
> So if I call this macro foobar, I will execute it with something such
{{foobar}}foo bar{{/foobar}}
And it will ouput:
foo bar
This is a content of 7 characters.
Ah yes, my bad, I mixed up the macro code content and the macro usage
Indeed, I now understand that we’re trying to make changes to the
macro usage content.
Now we need to take into account in the design the ability to provide
some custom
mapping between what you edit and how it modifies the usage
For example, imagine the JIRA macro when using a static list of JIRA
{{jira url=“…”}}
Or Imagine the {{gallery}} macro when used with static images:
In these 2 cases we’ll want some custom editors ideally and a custom
mechanism to generate back the modified content. This needs
to be possible (pluggable) with the new APIs.
Yeah I didn't mention it yet since it comes next, but it's already
something I had in mind since Denis already has this usecase for his
project. I need to discuss with Marius about it since it really reminds
what has been done for the pickers, but anyway for me it should be a
specific parameter of the macro that would be used to load a given
widget for edition and call a script to process/transform the input to
the expected output.
Another thing mentioned by Denis that we should plan
in the design, is
the ability to only allow some WYSIWYG inputs for inline editing: for
example, restricting to only inline styling, so disabling in the WYSIWYG
editor everything's related to a new block.
This is already possible. See
. List<Block> allows everything ATM but we can introduce new "content"
types that restrict the allowed content using the allowedContent
configuration property.
But again, for me those are features that are coming
Note that in these 2 examples I’m mentioning “static” since it’s
possible to use
Velocity script around the macro. But in this case the
outer macro becomes the {{velocity}} macro which will be inline editable
only as text.
Other examples are when the macro code script parses the content and
would like to
expose only some part of it as inline editable. This requires
a way to mark some subpart as being inline editable and a custom serializer
to reconstruct the modified content.
> In edition the "foo bar" part will be inline editable, but not the
"This is a content of 7 characters.".
> Did you mean:
>> {{wikimacrocontent}}
>> This is a content of $xcontext.macro.content.length() characters.
>> {{/wikimacrocontent}}
>> ?
>>> So the purpose of those macros would be twofold:
>>> 1. to ease the insertion of macro content/parameters (no need to
always use {{velocity}}$xcontext.macro.content{{/velocity}}
>> What is $xcontext.macro.content? I’ve
never used that when writing
wiki macros.
> According to the doc it's currently the standard way to access the
>>> 2. to create the dedicated metadata
around the content and to be
processed during wikimacro rendering to allow inline
>> I don’t see any start/end. Why not:
>> {{inlineEditable}}
>> My content that is inline editable
>> {{/inlineEditable}}
>> ?
>> Another approach is to use scripting, as in:
>> $xcontext.macro.startInlineEditableContent()
>> My content that is inline editable
>> $xcontext.macro.stoptInlineEditableContent()
>> Or using velocity macros:
>> #startInlineEditableContent
>> My content that is inline editable
>> #stoptInlineEditableContent
>> Yet another idea would be to have a macro xclass parameter to make the
whole content inline editable (checkbox), and the 2 approaches above would
be when you need fine-grained details (ie not have the whole content inline
>> Question: how is this done on other
projects already using the concept
of inline editable wiki macros? (I know one that
I think you looked at
Simon, but I don’t know how they did it :)).
So if you're thinking about Denis' and other works about that,
yes was thinking about this.
> it's actually not wiki macro but Java macros. I also thought it was
macro but I was wrong. And it mainly use specific CSS classes and a
rewrite of the CKEditor javascript to perform it.
ok, maybe Ludovic was wrong then because I’m pretty sure he mentiopned
that Denis
was doing this with wiki macros.
> Simon
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> Of course those macro would be only to be used inside a wikimacro.
>>> I started to develop the wikimacroccontent, so I have a first working
POC, but I'd like to know WDYT about this.
>>> I would also be really happy if you could give me some wikimacro
examples where the inline editing would make sense, so I could use it in my
> Thanks,
> Simon
> --
> Simon Urli
> Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
> simon.urli(a)xwiki.com
> More about us at
Simon Urli
Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
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Simon Urli
Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
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