I'm trying once more on this theme... For Xwiki issues are assigned by
default to Jeremi. We know very well that Jeremi isn't going to work on them
and he's busy on other stuff.
I'd like to remove automatic assignments. For this we need to enable "Allow
unassigned issues" to true in JIRA.
I'd like to get help from the community for working on issues and also I
don't have clear visibility on who's going to commit and work on what issue.
I'd much rather see an issue that is unassigned and know that nobody is
going to work on it if we don't find a taker than seeing all issues assigned
which gives a false sense of security.
Here's my +1 to remove automatic assignments, especially as we get to see
the issues on the dev list now.
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Hi developers,
I see in JIRA that there are still 13 issues for Beta 1. I believe most are
already fixed. Could you please update your JIRA issues ASAP?
The plan is to try releasing Beta 1 early this week (possibly on Tuesday).
We said we would release it last week so we're already late. Let's try to
wrap it up quickly.
Thanks a lot
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I was just wondering where I can get the 1.0 beta standalone or war. I
really don't want to compile from src and the links on the xwiki site are
still broken.
Chad Westfall
There seems to be a problem when I synchronise with the svn repository on my
linux (kubuntu 6.06) machine...
Eclipse fails to compile and calls out the following files as containing
invalid chars:
All these files are aparently unreadable using UTF-8 encoding - from what I
can see it is due to accents etc in the source files (for creation dates, eg
Date: 25 août 2004 in DisplayMacro).
I can fix the problem for myself (tell Eclipse to treat them as ISO-8859-1
not UTF-8)...
Anyone else suffering this? Should the source get changed so that the chars
are valid utf ones ?
A minor issue... looking forward to beta 1 - when the download link works ;)