Hi all,
I'm fairly new to this list. Please forgive me for any inconvenience.
With the new XWiki version on the road I just resume my migration
assignment from v0.9 t v1.2. Let us make a little review: when trying to
import the xar file to v1.2 (take a look at
it fails with a java.lang.NullPointerException
As I can see it brokes at
com.xpn.xwiki.web.ImportAction.render(ImportAction.java:42), but
couldn't see why (yet?)
I plan to fill a bug report and try to fix it (humbly I'm not sure of a
success history here, but I'll try ...), so my questions are :
* I need to add a new bug report or just add more info to the one
already opened (http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1809). In
my case is a null pointer exception when tries to open the file,
but in the reported one its caused when tries to parse the xmlfile
* Anyone is having the same problem and have fixed it or created a
workaround ??
Víctor A. Rodríguez (http://www.bit-man.com.ar)
El bit Fantasma (Bit-Man) - Algorithm junkie
Perl Mongers Capital Federal (http://cafe.pm.org/)
GNU/Linux User Group - FCEyN - UBA (http://glugcen.dc.uba.ar/
Hi all,
I would like to change the feed plugin so that the content of the fetched
documents can be easily changed.
Currently, the content of the document containing a fetched article is
hardcoded to "#includeSheet('XWiki.FeedEntryClassSheet')".
I think that any code using the feed plugin should be able to set its own
sheet or whatever content is needed.
There are a couple of options to be analyzed:
1. regarding the content of the feed article document:
a) any feed article includes a sheet
b) any feed article contains some content, not necessarily a sheet inclusion.
2. regarding the way the content is set:
a) through a String variable in the feed API, that can be set by the user
through a call like xwiki.feed.setDefaultFeedDocContent("some content"),
which defaults to the current value, for compatibility with the code
already using the feed plugin.
b) through an optional parameter to the updateFeed function(s) such that,
each time the feeds are fetched the content can be specified
3. regarding the 'scope' of this default content for the feed entry document:
a) it is specific to a feed aggregator and is set in the aggregator class
b) it is specific to an update operation (as mentioned on 2.b)
c) it is specific to the feed plugin and all documents through that plugin
instance will have the same content (as specified on 2.a)
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of
Application Manager 1.0M2, Wiki Manager 1.0M2 and XWiki Enterprise
Manager 1.0M2.
Theses releases contains lots of bugfix and improvements.
Main new features:
- introduce new XWiki Platform 1.1.2 rights management interface.
- general improvement of Application Manager, Wiki Manager and XEM
interfaces and errors reporting.
- applications translations pages are now dynamically registered
(xar imported containing applications descriptors, translation page
added to an application descriptor, etc.)
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
Just to let you know that I'm -1 right now to release the XEM project
with the newly added web-database/ module.
It breaks what we had agreed on for WARs for XE.
I might change my mind if someone can convince me of course :)
Just a warning that I'm removing the emailnotification plugin in xwiki-
plugins/ since it's now been replaced by the following 3 plugins:
* scheduler
* mailsender
* watchlist
Hi all,
The statistics page needs improvement. See
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XE-37 for a brief introduction. I
propose we take the following steps:
1) Extend the xwiki core api with:
package com.xpn.xwiki.api;
* Statistics api
public class StatsService extends Api{
* Retrieve all-time statistics for top pages
* @param action Can be "view", "save", etc.
* @param space The space from which to consider pages. If space is the
empty string or null then the whole wiki is considered.
* @param count The number of page stats to retrieve.
* @return a list of document stats
List<DocumentStats> getTopPages(String action, String space, int count){}
List<DocumentStats> getMonthTopPages(String action, String space, Date
month, int count){}
List<DocumentStats> getDayTopPages(String action, String space, Date day,
int count){}
* Retrieve all-time statistics for top contributors
* @param space The space in which to look for contributions. If space is
the empty string or null then the whole wiki is considered. NOTE:
currently the database stores statistics regarding only the whole wiki
(e.g. the number of saves a user has made in the entire wiki, but not at
space level). To implement space-level contributor statistics I need to
consider page history, which is time-consuming (e.g. for each page in
space, for each history entry ...). I go for offering (at least for the
moment) user stats only at wiki level by removing this parameter.
* @param count The number of user stats to retrieve
* @return The list of user stats
List<VisitStats> getTopContributors(String space, int count){}
List<VisitStats> getMonthTopContributors(String space, Date month, int
List<VisitStats> getDayTopContributors(String space, Date day, int
* Retrieve the evolution of the specified activity over a period of time
* @param action Can be "view", "save", etc.
* @param docOrSpace The (full)name of a document or space or the empty
string / null for the whole wiki
* @param startDay The start date
* @param endDay The end date
* @param dayInterval The sample rate (e.g. at every 2 days)
* @return A map of (date, action count) pairs.
Map<Date, Integer> getActivityPerDay(String action, String docOrSpace,
Date startDay, Date endDay, int dayInterval){}
Map<Date, Integer> getActivityPerMonth(String action, String docOrSpace,
Date startMonth, Date endMonth, int monthInterval){}
Map<Date, Integer> getActivityPerYear(String action, String docOrSpace,
Date startYear, Date endYear, int yearInterval){}
2) Add in the com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki the following method:
public StatsService getStatsService(){}
3) Extend the com.xpn.xwiki.stats.api.XWikiStatsService with:
List<DocumentStats> getTopPages(String action, String space, int count,
XWikiContext context){}
List<DocumentStats> getMonthTopPages(String action, String space, Date
month, int count, XWikiContext context){}
List<DocumentStats> getDayTopPages(String action, String space, Date day,
int count, XWikiContext context){}
List<VisitStats> getTopContributors(String space, int count, XWikiContext
List<VisitStats> getMonthTopContributors(String space, Date month, int
count, XWikiContext context){}
List<VisitStats> getDayTopContributors(String space, Date day, int count,
XWikiContext context){}
Map<Date, Integer> getActivityPerDay(String action, String docOrSpace,
Date startDay, Date endDay, int dayInterval, XWikiContext context){}
Map<Date, Integer> getActivityPerMonth(String action, String docOrSpace,
Date startMonth, Date endMonth, int monthInterval, XWikiContext context){}
Map<Date, Integer> getActivityPerYear(String action, String docOrSpace,
Date startYear, Date endYear, int yearInterval, XWikiContext context){}
4) Adjust the com.xpn.xwiki.stats.impl.XWikiStatsServiceImpl
5) In com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki there are 2 methods related to statistics:
* getCurrentMonthXWikiStats
* getRefererText
We could duplicate this methods in the StatsService and deprecate them in
6) Currently the xwiki chart macro doesn't support hidden (aka not visible
in page) data sources. This is how the char macro is used now:
I propose to extend the macro to allow the following usage:
| Series1 | Series2
2001-2 | 181.8 | 129.6
2001-3 | 167.3 | 123.2
2001-4 | 153.8 | 117.2
This extension consists in:
* add chart macro's content to the parameters map given to the data source
* adjust the TableDataSource to use this content when no table_number is
7) Create the xwiki-platform-applications/statistics application to host
the statistics related pages. Different stats will be displayed using
special panels that can be inserted into a page (see
http://llunati.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Albatross/PanelInPage for a
sample). I propose to use the Panels space for this pages (e.g use the
path src/main/resources/Panels). Vincent could help me with this.
8) Create the Stats page (aka the UI). The Stats page is now in the XWiki
space, meaning it is not accessible for the regular user (event when the
statistics module is enabled). I don't really like this. I like more how
jira.xwiki.org shows me its stats even when I'm not logged in. In the
future, I think it would be great if the users could see page/space/wiki
stats much the same they see now the xwiki code of the page (e.g. Show >
Stats). For the moment I propose to make only a single stats page
That's all. WDYT?
Hi all,
XE 1.1.2 was just released and was the only thing needed to be able to release :
- Application Manager 1.0M2
- Wiki Manager 1.0M2
- XEM 1.0M2
You can see the release notes for theses version at : See
Here my +1
Thomas Mortagne
Regarding JIRA issue XE-143 :
Which skin file would you need to edit in order to add buttons for removing
an object property in the class editor ?
The following Velocity command works :
But I dont know how to get the class defined in a document. I know how to
get the class of an object attached to a document, but not the class defined
in a document.
If I get an answer, I can add this information to the Velocity API guide in
Maybe it s also possible to add "remove" buttons for each existing property
in the class editor.
Let me know your thoughts,
Thanks !
Jean-Vivien MAURICE
Elève Ingénieur Informatique et Gestion, Polytech'Montpellier (ISIM)
E-mail : jean.vivien.maurice(a)gmail.com
Tél. : 0046 7 62 33 20 46
Skype : jean.vivien