We should reintroduce the Resolved state in the issue workflow, and it
should work like this:
- When closing an issue, it will go in the Resolved state, which means
that somebody provided a fix and it is committed in the repository.
- Somebody else can test (manually) that the issue is indeed
fixed/implemented, and it works as expected. If no, then it goes back
to Open, otherwise it goes to Verified.
- When all the needed tests and documentation are written, the issue
can be closed completely, entering the Closed state.
This should improve the way we write code, meaning that we don't just
commit some quick fix code which nobody sees, and claim that the issue
is fixed. Right now we're trying to do peer reviewing either by first
attaching patches to the issue and have somebody review it, or by
hoping that someone is reading the commit mails and notices if
something is wrong. We should never make a release that has issues in
the Resolved state, as it has unverified code, probably with missing
documentation and proper tests. We should reserve a few days before
each release for moving any Resolved issue to the Closed state, by
verifying, testing and documenting it.
Verifying issues can be done by outsiders, too, so we could involve
the community more. Perhaps it would be a good idea to require two
verifiers before moving the issue to verified, as testing on different
systems can spot some bugs, like the full screen editor not working in
Safari issue.
Well, my annotation plugin is in progress.
I join my new version.
Now i can add annotation to doc but this is not permanent. :'(
I have another problem, i did annotations.vm and annotationsinline.vm
templates to list annotations of a document.
Well, i don't understand how to acces attributes of my annotations to
display them.
If someone can help, please.
antoine SEILLES a écrit :
> Hi
> i'm doing an annotation plugin and i need some help.
> An annotation is a comment linked to a document (like a XWikiComment).
> More precisely, an annotation is linked to a selected part of a document.
> My objective is to get something like in attached picture (.jpg).
> I have created three classes for my plugin (view attached pieces)
> inspired of helloworldplugin and XWikiComment class.
> What i need is:
> * to create an annotation.
> * to add an annotation to a document
> * to modify an annotation
> * to delete an annotation
> * to list annotations linked to a document
> If someone had some advices.
> Thank
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Doctorant (phd student)
Pikko software
Cap Omega - Rond Point Benjamin Franklin
CS 39521
34960 Montpellier Cedex 2
UMR 5506 - 161 rue Ada
34392 Montpellier Cedex 5
Tel: +33 (0)6 10 192 055
### Annotations page in the "view" mode
### List document annotations
### TODO: web service?
#set($annotations = $xwiki.annotation.getAnnotations($doc))
<div id="annotationscontent" class="xwikiintracontent">
#if($inline && ($inline == true)) <div class="xwikititlewrapper" onclick="toggleClass($('annotations'), 'hidden'); toggleClass($('annotationscontent'), 'exp')"><h3 class="xwikiintratitle">$msg.get("annotations")<span class="hidden">:</span> <span class="annotationsno"><span>$annotations.size()</span></span></h3></div>#end
<div id="annotations">
#foreach($annotation in $annotations)
#if($velocityCount > 1) <hr class="annotationspacer"/>
<div id="xwikiannotation_${velocityCount}" class="xwikiannotation #if($velocityCount % 2 == 1) odd #else even #end">
## <div class="annotationavatar">#useravatar($annotation.getAuthor())</div>
<div class="annotationheader"><span class="annotationauthor">$!xwiki.getLocalUserName($doc.display('author','view', $annotation))</span>
## #set($date = $doc.display("date","view",$annotation))
#set($date = $xwiki.annotation.getCreationDate($annotation).value)
| <span class="annotationdate">$xwiki.formatDate($date, "dd.MM.yyyy") $msg.get("at") $xwiki.formatDate($date, "hh:mm a")</span>
#if($hasedit) <span class="annotationdelete"><a class="annotationremove" href="$doc.getURL("objectremove" , "classname=XWiki.XWikiAnnotations&classid=${annotation.number}&xredirect=${request.getRequestURL()}")"
onclick="return confirm('$msg.get("confirmannotationremove")')">[$msg.get("removethisannotation")]</a></span>#end
<div class="annotationcontent">$doc.getRenderedContent($doc.display("content","view",$annotation)) </div>
</div> ## annotations
</div> ## annotationscontent
#if($inline && ($inline == true))
<script type="text/javascript">
if(document.getElementById("annotationform")) {
document.getElementById("annotationform").className = "collapsed";
document.getElementById("annotations").className += " hidden";
The XWiki Watch development team is pleased to announce the release of
XWiki Watch 1.0 Milestone 2.
You can grab it here :
Reminder : XWiki Watch is a collaborative RSS/Atom feed reader that allows
teams to read, tag, comment and flag articles in a AJAX/GWT interface
integrated inside the wiki. Features include also filtering, text
analysis, press reviews generation, English and French user interfaces,
and more! Note that Watch is delivered as a full Watch+Wiki or as a XAR
package installable in a standard XWiki 1.1 or 1.2
This release include both bug fixes and new features, among which you can
find :
- A Wiki integration : now every data collected/created (feeds, fetched
feed articles, tags, keywords and groups) through the AJAX/GWT UI is
accessible via classical XWiki pages
- UI improvements/bugfixes : Editing and deleting feeds is easier,
filtering both keywords + groups has been fixed, the feed tree does not
collapse unexpectedly anymore
- A m2 build matching the XWiki development process : now developers can
build XWiki Watch with a single line command
- Other bug fixes and improvements
You can read the full release notes at:
And the installation guide :
Have fun!
The XWiki Watch development team
Here's the result:
* 3 +1 (+1 non binding vote from Anca)
* 0 0
* 0 -1
I will make it on trunk after 1.2 branch and 1.2 first RC release
(planned for this Friday). So this will be the first new 1.3 feature
2007/11/22, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>:
> Hi all,
> Having xwiki document with no extension in the files names is a real
> mess for subversion and IDEs like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA and it
> will also be very useful in any editor that takes extension to
> determine the content or simply for most OS Explorers/Finders.
> As the XWiki maven xar plugin now support files with any name when
> creating the xar package (see
> http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XTOOLS-19) I propose to add .xml
> extension to exported document files names.
> Import document with any names is already supported by xwiki core
> importer plugin since at least svn1387 (October 2006) and I think
> since it's creation so it seems it will not break older version
> import.
> --
> Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne
Result of the vote : 7 +1, no 0, no -1 :
* Jérôme +1
* Vincent +1
* JV +1
* Stéphane +1
* Marta +1
* Thomas +1
* Sergiu +1
Thus Anca, you are a XWiki Watch commiter now !
Welcome aboard!
> Dear XWikiers,
> I'd like to propose voting Anca Luca as a XWatch committer.
> Anca has submitted several good patches for XWiki Watch. (see
> http://tinyurl.com/2x3psb) She writes clean code and shows a strong focus
> on design and separation of concerns. I propose she now commit her own
> patches on XWatch!
> Here's my +1 for Anca.
> Note: For full disclosure, Anca is working for XPertNet, the company
> behind the creation of XWiki. FWIW, out of the 26 committers
> (http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/HallOfFame), 9 are working
> for XPertNet. Note that the XWiki project is driven as a meritocratic
> project (trying to follow the Apache rules as much as possible) and thus
> anyone can become a committer (see
> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Committership). The more the
> merrier!
> Regards,
> Jérôme.
On Dec 3, 2007, at 4:26 PM, hritcu (SVN) wrote:
> Author: hritcu
> Date: 2007-12-03 16:26:54 +0100 (Mon, 03 Dec 2007)
> New Revision: 6263
> Modified:
> xwiki-platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/
> xmlrpc/ConfluenceRpcHandler.java
> Log:
> Testing that I can commit (updated comment)
> Modified: xwiki-platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/
> xwiki/xmlrpc/ConfluenceRpcHandler.java
> ===================================================================
> --- xwiki-platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/
> xmlrpc/ConfluenceRpcHandler.java 2007-12-03 14:59:03 UTC (rev 6262)
> +++ xwiki-platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/
> xmlrpc/ConfluenceRpcHandler.java 2007-12-03 15:26:54 UTC (rev 6263)
> @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
> // -- user management could be a part of the test setup
> // Q: Where are access rights checked ? Ensure they are !
> + // Vincent discovered that they are not checked ... was it fixed?
Not across the board, just in getDocFromPageId().
Marius has asked me for commit access to the sandbox since he's
working with Jerome and Ludovic on the new space manager feature.
Since Marius has been providing good patches and this is only an
access to the Sandbox, I'll go ahead and give him access.
Note that this does not allow Marius to commit elsewhere yet (a vote
will be needed for that). However since we only have coarse-grained
permissions at this stage Marius would be able to commit elsewhere but
he shouldn't do that (I talked to him and he knows that).