Hi devs,
Seen that we still have quite a few issues planned for 1.9 RC2 and
seen that Monday is bank holiday in France (and some of xwiki devs are
off on Tuesday) I'm proposing that we postpone the release from Monday
to Thursday 4th of June. In addition I'm proposing that we name it 1.9
final rather than RC2 and do another release (I think we already
agreed this before but let's make sure).
The idea would be to start stabilizing it from Tuesday onwards:
- ensure we have no regresssion (check email threads on the list -
There's one from Pascal to answer that I know of)
- do some strong testing.
+1 from me
I'm wondering how xwiki applies permissions to various actions. For example, in looking at the ViewAction and DeleteAction classes I don't see anything that would be applying permissions but clearly some part of the system knows that a /view/ action is different than a /delete/ which is different from a /viewrev/.
I created my own action and it 'appears' to be applying the edit permissions. How is this done? What if it was a view type of action?
The XWikiClassTemplate velocity script is in a XWiki/1.0 syntax doc:
## replace Main with the Space where you want your documents to be created
## replace the default parent with the one of your choice
## Save this template using the 'Save' button
#set( $class = $doc.name.substring(0,$doc.name.indexOf("Class")))
#set($defaultparent = "kmbase.${class}Class")
#set($defaultweb = "kmbase")
but now when you create a class, it is XWiki/2.0 and should be:
{{html wiki=true}}
## replace Main with the Space where you want your documents to be created
## replace the default parent with the one of your choice
## Save this template using the 'Save' button
#set( $class = $doc.name.substring(0,$doc.name.indexOf("Class")))
#set($defaultparent = "kmbase.${class}Class")
#set($defaultweb = "kmbase")
What's the best solution to your mind in order to have something working in
all the cases?
There's a pb with the current implementation:
When we get the Observation manager implementation and list the
registered listeners we only get the components that have been
initialized *before* we get the Observation manager component. Thus if
we want to be sure all listeners will receive events we need to ensure
they're loaded first. This is hard to do.
I'm proposing instead to modify the observation module:
* Modify EventListener to be a @ComponentRole
* Add List<Event> EventListener.getEvents() (the events that the
listener handles)
* Inject List<EventListener> in DefaultObservationManager. Thus when
the Observation Manager is looked up, all listener components are
created and injected.
* Keep add/removeListener in ObservationManager so that listeners can
be manually added/removed (for ex if a new listener component is added
dynamically in the system) but with following signatures:
- addListener(EventListener);
- removeListener(EventListener);
I have recompiled a XWiki 1.9-RC1 for jetty+derby and I have some little
problems and I prefer asking before thinking:
- I don't see the icons in the administration page and the last item
"OpenOffice Importer" seems badly HTML formed and displays
no-repeat;">OpenOffice Server"
Please see the attached screenshot
- I can't view Blog.WebHome because there is some bad SQL for Derby
Caused by: com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3223 in 3: Exception
while searching documents with SQL [select distinct doc.space, doc.name,
publishDate.value from XWikiDocument as doc , DBStringListProperty as
categories join categories.list as category, BaseObject obj, IntegerProperty
isPublished, IntegerProperty hidden, DateProperty publishDate
where (doc.hidden <> true or doc.hidden is null) and doc.fullName <>
'Blog.BlogPostTemplate' and
obj.name = doc.fullName and obj.className = 'Blog.BlogPostClass' and
publishDate.id.id = obj.id and publishDate.id.name = 'publishDate' and
isPublished.id.id = obj.id and isPublished.id.name = 'published' and
hidden.id.id = obj.id and hidden.id.name = 'hidden' and
(doc.creator = 'XWiki.Admin' or (isPublished.value = 1 and
hidden.value = 0)) and obj.id = categories.id.id and
and category in ('Blog.News') order by publishDate.value desc]
Wrapped Exception: could not execute query
at com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.searchDocuments(XWiki.java:406)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor325.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
... 154 more
2009-05-29 12:01:25,585 [http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/]
[1857040122@qtp0-6] WARN util.JDBCExceptionReporter - SQL Error:
20000, SQLState: XJ061
2009-05-29 12:01:25,585 [http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/]
[1857040122@qtp0-6] ERROR util.JDBCExceptionReporter - The 'absolute()'
method is only allowed on scroll cursors. [ERROR] Exception in macro
#getPagedBlogEntries at Blog.WebHome[line 141, column 5]
[ERROR] Exception in macro #getBlogEntries at Blog.WebHome[line 17, column
[ERROR] Exception in macro #printBlog at Blog.WebHome[line 7, column 3]
org.xwiki.velocity.XWikiVelocityException: Failed to evaluate content with
id [Blog.WebHome]
any idea?
Here is my experience when I tried to publish a post to blog in
gsoc.myxwiki. And I want to clarify few things about it. I have created a
blog post called RunningSeleniumTests to be published. After created it I
have saved it and used small button to publish the post. But it did not
publish or told me any reason why it did not publish.
1. Is it only allowed to be published after acceptance by some person in
admin group?
After that, I thought I should try to change some rights of the objects and
then changed the rights and only added edit rights to XWikiAdminGroup I
think. and I just saved. After that only I realized I can't edit the post
any more. Is it a bug? because I have created the post and changed rights,
but then I can't edit it any more ?
And also eventhough it is not published you can even view it by adding the
link to your normal page. Eventhough its not published we can view it using
the link.
Finally what I did was added the link to my main page rather than waiting it
to be published. :)
2. Could anyone please tell me some tips to resolve this ?
Kind Regards,
I want to resurface this question in case it is something that could be addressed in the 2.0 release. I have a macro that requires some js support (jquery) and would thus like to have additional files referenced in the head section of the page when the macro is used.
It was suggested that I could specify dependencies of css and js files for a macro by using getPluging("jsfx") and invoking the use method.
>From what I can tell this method does not work so I'm wondering if the 'context' obtained as suggested is not the proper context to add additional elements to the rendered page.
Here is what I've done:
To get the context, I added this:
private Execution execution;
And then in my macro execution method I added the following:
ExecutionContext executionContext = execution.getContext();
XWikiContext context = (XWikiContext) executionContext.getProperty("xwikicontext");
XWiki xwiki = context.getWiki();
AbstractSkinExtensionPlugin plugin = (AbstractSkinExtensionPlugin) xwiki.getPlugin("jsfx", context);
When I utilize this from my macro execution callback it doesn't emit any code in the header. (using jsfx as a velocity macro does work though).
Is the context obtained via this method the right one or is there a different one somehow attached to the rendering agent?
Hello again,
I write something like:
(% style="somestyle" %)
my embedded wikipage
the style is not applied to the <div> surrounding the embedded wikipage.
Is it normal or is it a bug?
Hello all,
I have developped a little XWiki selection tool because I needed it for own
It provides a way to hook the xwikiexplorer provided within the Wysiwyg
editor to an existing form and when you select a space and page, the result
is put into the form.
This is a standalone gwt client module with no server part based mainly on
the wysiwyg code.
It doesn't require the wysiwyg to compile (lots of code comes directly from
wysiwyg but not all the code from wysiwyg was needed)
It can be deployed outside XWiki and uses an existing XWiki instance in the
same domain.
It also provides a way to login/logout to the existing XWiki instance.
I wondered whether it would be of any interest to someone...
The idea is described here in details and there is a demo site it also...
Don't hesitate to comment... this is a draft...