Thanks - but what I was really looking for was a way to show the
*previous* version of a page until the *changes* have been approved. At
any time in the future.
I don't even necessarily want Documentation Managers to be able to edit
pages, just to read them and click a button to say "I'm happy that this
information is correct."
I really wouldn't want our Development Manager here to write any code -
but I go to him to get my changes signed off so I can install the
binaries to the live environment :)
Hi Hugh,
In XWiki you can set edit rights at page level. You can create a group
"Documentation Managers" and only grant its members the ability to edit
certain page. After the page has been authorized you may change the
to that page so that anyone can edit it.
Should you want to hide the page altogether until approval you may
the view rights as well.
You can read more about rights management here
Also see here how you can create a group in XWiki:
Hope this helps.
Search on the XWiki site appears to be broken. Otherwise I would have
done. But I'm glad to see you don't have a "Go away" policy for people
who haven't :)
I have a question, that being: Is there any mechanism in XWiki for a
person in a Documentation Management role to "Sign off" page changes
before they become available to other users?
If not, can it be done? It would obviously require the page to be locked
as soon as edit begins and not unlocked until the higher user has
authorised it.
- Hugh
I would like to change AddCommentAction to support captchas. the
changes I'd like to make are as follows:
xwiki-core becomes dependent on xwiki-captcha I don't like it but
xwiki-action is not ready and there is no api for adding comments.
If xpage is defined and xredirect is not and then it does not redirect.
If a user is logged in then author name is taken from the context
and the author field is ignored. This will improve security when
anonymous commenting is disallowed.
If the user is not logged in, captcha service is enabled, and
request parameter: captcha_answer is specified then a captcha
verifier is gotten with hint specified by request parameter
captcha_type and captcha_answer is verified.
If the user is not logged in, captcha service is enabled,
captcha_answer is not specified, and space preference
"guest_comment_requires_captcha" is 1 then captcha verification fails.
If captcha check fails then captchaAnswerWrong = true is placed in
the velocity context and comment isn't added.
Patch is posted here:…