Now that we've started creating the branch for 1.3 I'd like to remove
the 1.1 branches for Core, Web, Panels and XE.
* Cleanliness
* Having opened branches can tempt committers to commit stuff to the
branch. Closing it clearly shows that we don't intend to work on it
* We still have the latest released 1.1.x versions, so if there's an
urgent need to release a 1.1.3 version we can still do it.
* This will allow us to remove the 1.1.3 version in JIRA thus keeping
it clean too and again preventing people from using it.
* We can't work/support too many branches at once, that's just too
much work
* We want people to upgrade to newer versions.
* XE 1.2 was released quite some time ago and is stable. 1.3 is about
to be released as final too.
Here's my +1
Here are the modules I'd like to release in preparation for the 1.3RC1
* Top level POM: new config for license files + default goal + new
surefire plugin version
* Tools POM: addition of new license module
* License module, v1.0
* Packager, v1.9: updated core dep to 1.3 + license + fixed
integration tests
* Config resources 1.10: LDAP config improvements from Thomas
* XAR plugin 1.9: ignore META-INF files in XARs
* Jetty resources 1.9: move jetty files into a jetty/ directory proper
Here's my +1 to both
Since I'm getting such a great response from the community to help us
win the vote (the community rulez !), I'm going to ask for some more help.
We are looking for some Interns (Paris or even remotely) and/or
employees for our Iasi Office in Romania.
More info about the profiles we are looking for at
We are especially looking for Web Developers working on top of the XWiki
platform (scripting, web technologies, javascript, AJAX, CSS) to work on
XWiki applications and on client projects.
We are looking obviously for people that believe in Open Source and it's
values. We see the XWiki company (currently XPertNet, soon XWiki SAS) as
a bridge between the business world and the open source world. We want
XWiki to be both available for free but also easily available for
companies wanting support and services (maybe that would require a much
longer email to the community).
In any case if any of you are interested or if you know people that
might, don't hesitate to forward this around and make it known that
there is an great open source company looking for more help to make
great software and provide great solutions.
Thanks for you help
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Hi XWiki users and developers !
I've had the chance to participate to a contest on a french radio
(specialized in Business).
There is a vote which will allow to get another few minutes of radio
show in a while en eventually (with more votes to show the power of the
communities that could lead to the final, etc..).
You can listen to the podcast (in french):
and vote here (in french too but that should not be too difficult ! Make
sure you select the guy on the right !):
This can give a nice additional boost to XWiki !
Thanks to all of you for you continuous support of XWiki and
participation to the lists.
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Marius and developers,
I've commited a working gwt 1.4 based wysiwyg editor module.
You need to take
You should put the wysiwyg under web/
The two files standard.pom.xml and web.pom.xml are web/standard/pom.xml
and web/pom.xml modification to build the wysiwyg module in addition.
The initial editor is available using mvn install -Pjettyrun at
It's a rich text editor with the full standard toolbar and two text
boxes allowing to view the wiki-> html -> wiki conversion.
It currently uses the Radeox renderer for wiki->html and the code from
Christian Gmeiner for html -> wiki
This part is not yet the important part. We shoud replace them with a
more powerfull HTML to Wiki parser. Either directly based on a new XWiki
2.0 syntax or working with new AND old syntax.
I think we need to start by getting the editor UI in place. I think the
architecture should be as much to be very independent from the syntax
The editor should as much as possible work without knowing much about
the HTML itself. This might be a bit complex for links, images or
Maybe what we need is the FF3 (and IE6) feature that allows to make a
block non editable in the editor (content-editable = false or something
like that). We then take control of the double click on the item and
open the appropriate dialog box to edit.
We should use the same type of thing to show macros in WYSIWYG mode (we
would need a macro renderer API - macro + params).
Maybe the first thing you can start doing Marius, is get used to the
editor by implementing simple stuff that we currently have in the
editor. We need to do:
- links
-- lnternal links (last, search, recent, multiwiki, other by extension)
-- Attachements (page, space, wiki, multiwiki, webdav, other by extension)
-- Image
-- email
-- external link
- images (need to chose image with link or link with image)
- table icons
- colors and fonts
- switch to wiki syntax
- view in the xwiki styles
We also need to make eveything configurable:
- which buttons and features
- choice of output syntax
We then will need among other things
- make it properly embeddable
- import from HTML/Word/other wiki syntax
- shortcuts for links and titles without using the menus (to be as
efficient as typing [ ])
- visual macros (with many macros, using DnD)
- a macro editor
- real time editing (need to take it into account right away)
- powerfull tables (a la Excel)
I'm just talking about all these things so that we have a view on the
final objective.
More info here about the feature requirements.
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
I'm going to create a new branch in
https://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/xwiki-platform/web/ and a new module
in sandbox.
1/ Wysiwyg module in sandbox.
New GWT based editor. It will use the GWT Rich Editor and the XWiki GWT
Api to allow editing wiki pages. The objective is to have a:
- feature equivalent editor
- highly improved stability of the editor
- highly improved stability of the html -> wiki -> html convertor with a
server side convertor
- support for velocity and groovy
- great speed enhancements thanks to no popup and great ajax
- great architecture
- support for the future XWiki Rendering
- new cool features
The editor will need GWT 1.4 and a server side module for the syntax
2/ Branch for GWT 1.4 Port
It will port the GWT Api to GWT 1.4, adding a js function that was
removed from GWT and getting rid of gwttk which does not have a 1.4
This branch will also include the syntax convertor for the wysiwyg
module. This will be only temporarly to only have one branch for working
on the editor. Once GWT 1.4 gets into the trunk we can get rid of this
code and move it to a wysiwyg specific branch or wire it to a core
syntax conversion API once it exists.
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
We should probably do our releases through a staged process too.
This allows:
1) giving binaries to people so that they can test
2) voting on something tangible and not on sources which can be
modified before they're really released
3) ability to rollback a release if something is found faulty during
the release
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Wendy Smoak" <wsmoak(a)apache.org>
> Date: February 23, 2008 4:38:42 AM CEST
> To: announce(a)maven.apache.org
> Subject: [ANN] Maven Stage Plugin 1.0-alpha-1 Released
> Reply-To: users(a)maven.apache.org
> Reply-To: wsmoak(a)apache.org
> The Maven team is pleased to announce the first release of the Maven
> Stage
> Plugin, version 1.0-alpha-1.
> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-stage-plugin/
> This plugin assists with staging and promoting releases by allowing
> you to
> copy artifacts from one repository to another. It currently supports
> copying from http|https to scp urls.
> You can run 'mvn -up stage:copy ... ' to get the latest version of the
> plugin.
> (Nothing was closed in JIRA for this initial release, so there are no
> release notes.)
> Enjoy,
> --
> Wendy Smoak
> on behalf of the Maven team
I was trying to compare XWiki with some of the functionality of MediaWiki.
One of my concerns about attchements is the security. For example,Do the
page access rights in XWiki, apply also to the attachements of that page?
In mediawiki, there is special page called File list where one can go and
see the entire list of files uploaded to the wiki. But, if we want to allow
access restrictions to those, this should not be allowed.
So, does XWiki take care of this issue? Not allowing restricted users from
viewing confodential attachemnts at all.
Also, what is the syntax of XWiki and how is it different from Mediawiki if
at all it is?