
  • 9400 discussions

Mailsender plugin
by Stéphane Laurière
17 years, 4 months

[Architecture V2] Request Handling
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 4 months

removePage() XMLRPC not implemented ?
by tharindu jayasuriya
17 years, 4 months

Notice: 1.1M4 is the last release before the RCs
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 4 months

Fwd: XWiki-Eclipse Plug-in Source Code Review.
by tharindu jayasuriya
17 years, 4 months

New XWiki Syntax Guide
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 4 months

Curriki database build (was Re: [xwiki-commits] r3966 - in xwiki-products/curriki/trunk: . gwt/src/main/java/org/curriki/gwt/client gwt/src/main/java/org/curriki/gwt/client/widgets/addfile gwt/src/main/java/org/curriki/gwt/client/wizard gwt/src/main/java/org/curriki/gwt/server web/src/main/webapp/skins/curriki8)
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 4 months

Removing the Navigation panel
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 4 months

XEM and Curriki duplicates
by Vincent Massol
17 years, 4 months

Are there issues with the Maven build, or is it just me?
by Radu Danciu
17 years, 4 months
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