Hi everyone,
I've noticed that this project doesn't have an IRC channel yet. I think it's
extremely valuable for those who are developing on xwiki to be able to share
ideas, do design, etc with a communication channel that is faster than mail.
This is what we done on the Maven project (irc.codehaus.org, channel
#maven), Cargo and lots of other projects.
Of course any important decision should also result in an email to the list
so that everyone can follow what's happening.
I suggest using Freenode. I have set up a channel for us:
Server: irc.freenode.net
Port: 6667
Channel #xwiki
In order to connect there you can use any IRC client:
- mIRC
- Trillian
- or any of the other hundreds of clients:
Join me there!
D�couvrez une nouvelle fa�on d'obtenir des r�ponses � toutes vos questions !
Demandez � ceux qui savent sur Yahoo! Questions/R�ponses
As a first approach (we'll need more refinements later on) I'd like to
propose the following changes to the xwiki/trunk directory and build
|_ core/
|_ web/
|_ web-exo/
|_ distribution/
core/ : Generates the xwiki.jar artifact
web/ : Generates the xwiki.war artifact
web-exo/ : Generates the xwiki-exo.war artifact
distribution/ : Generates the distributions (binary and sources)
I'm proposing to make these changes one by one and to always keep the
current build working. Of course I'm volunteering to make the changes.
D�couvrez un nouveau moyen de poser toutes vos questions quelque soit le sujet !
Yahoo! Questions/R�ponses pour partager vos connaissances, vos opinions et vos exp�riences.
I am trying to add the lucene plugin
to my 0.9.1252 XWiki install, but only ever get "No Results".
My boss wants pdf/excel/word search capabilites.
I followed the instructions and also had it once running on a 0.840.
Lucene now seems not to return any results.
Is the plugin compatible with the new versions?
Are changes in XWIKI the reason or could it be that I use the Jetty
windows version?
Thanks and Regards,