Hi again,
Thanks for the idea :) We could do,
1. Upload the document into XWiki.OfficeImporter (The repository)
2. Have a GWT rpc call such as;
String importDocument(String fileName, String targetPage);
Here the fileName is the name of the attachment just added to
XWiki.OfficeImporter and targetPage would be the name of the current wiki
page being edited.
As you said, the attached document itself can be deleted when the import is
complete. (+ need to workaround name collisions with multiple users, but
that's not a big issue IMO).
PS: spotted a small problem. Having two server calls (upload + rpc) is not a
good idea because a client might fail in between the calls, leaving the
attachments on the server.
Note that this doesn't happen if we can have a separate servlet for
officeimporter. (or if the upload action can be customized to pass
additional parameters and return a result...)
I will digg into it further tomorrow.
- Asiri