On 06/15/2011 03:22 PM, Denis Gervalle wrote:
Hi Vincent and all,
I hope that I will have time to work on the hidden document issue that have
been discussed recently.
I expect to also fix some of the (old) bugs I have reported.
For those interested, I am in the process of publishing most of the patches
we use in production, on my public forked repository on Github (which is a
great improvement IMHO). Some of these upcoming patches (in the hotfix
branch) may be applied on master (and I will apply them), some will be just
quick fixes waiting for a proper solution (do not know if I should apply
them or not), some will be small proposal (in the proposal branch) and some
will be obviously too much specific to be integrated. I hope that using
Github, the overhead that have prevent me to share them previously will be
reduce and that this forked repository will helps discussing what may go in
or not more easily.
(Side note: I use a forked repos to avoid polluting the original and to
allow my collaborator Olivier to commit as well. Warning: The branches on
the forked could be rebased anytime when needed to follow upstream properly,
and I will keep archive branches for older release. This is the best way I
had found to follow up the patches, any comment is welcome.)
Rebasing is frowned upon when public repos are involved. This being
said, I agree that the best way to branches commits clean and small,
without lots of useless "merged branch upstream/master" commits, is to
rebase from time to time.
The best way to ask for feedback for individual issues is to create
small branches, one for each issue, and make pull requests for each of
them. This will allow us to review and comment on the diffs.
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 10:15, Vincent
Massol<vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've summarized what we've committed to so far. Some committers haven't
> replied yet to this mail (marius, anca, jean-vincent, Denis, etc). Would be
> great to gather what all committers are planning to do.
> See below
> On Jun 10, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi devs,
>> Since we're getting close to XE 3.1 final release it's time for defining
> the roadmap for 3.2.
>> After discussing offline with several XWiki devs (the ones from XWiki
> SAS) here's a list of items for 3.2 that we came up with.
>> • Features
>> • UI for extension manager + backend extension manager (continued,
> especially nice XAR upgrades)
> - Thomas
> - JV
>> • Search improvements and especially scoring, French support and
> wildcard issues (continued from 3.1)
> - Sergiu
>> • App Within Minutes
> - ??? (We need someone responsible for the implementation)
> - Sergiu can help
>> • Jiras Priority 1
>> • XWIKI-6504 Convert Panels application into syntax 2.0
> - Sergiu
>> • XWIKI-6676 UI does not report failed delete actions of
> attachments; XWIKI-6623 Attachment upload failure gives no feedback to user
> - Sergiu
>> • ORACLE fixes
> - Vincent to help
> - Sergiu can help provided issues are reported (Sorin reported already
> XWIKI-6682 and XWIKI-6683)
>> • Fixes for HTTPS support
> - Sergiu can help provided issues are reported (Sorin to report issues)
>> • XWIKI-6687 Be able to delete a space from the UI
> - ???
>> • Jiras Priority 2
>> • Stats module improvements (Commit code from client projects
> without changes)
> - ???
>> • LDAP Admin UI (commit Jerome work without changes)
> - ???
>> • Clustering bug
> - Vincent
> - Thomas
>> • XWIKI-6684 Use a predefined Space Template like Dashboard,
> Livetable when creating a new space
> - ???
>> • XWIKI-6073 Change stylesheet and javascript extension filename
> when a modification is done on those
> - Sergiu could look at this provided he gets enough time...
>> • Investigations
>> • Solr
> - ???
>> • Browser support (IE6, IE7, Safari)
> - Sorin?
>> • XWiki in 5min
> - Caty
>> • XEM/Workspace features
> - Caty/Ludovic?
>> This is of course a minimal list that we're proposing to implement. More
> could be implemented but we're proposing to guarantee the implementation of
> the items above.
> - Jerome:
> * Rest improvements (Restlet upgrade + re-organization of the rest
> module - already started)
> * Suggest widget improvements and bug fixes (better highlighting,
> better performance, new options - already started as well)
> - Caleb:
> * I really hope I can find time to work on the cache, namely:
> ** XWIKI-6170
> ** XWIKI-6173
> ** XWIKI-6169
>> Now we need to put names against each of these items. Can you please
> volunteer and put your name next to issues you'd like to implement?
Sergiu Dumitriu