If we want to use this flavor as a dependency for the other Flavors that
will be built on top, than I would like it to be called just "XWiki", so
your 1).
All the other flavors built on top would have composed names like "XWiki
KB", "XWiki Groupware", etc.
Otherwise my vote goes to 3) Base or Basic.
I think we should first define what this contains. For me it should not
just be EM, but all the default XWiki capabilities to create content: from
administration, to users, to templates, to editors, to viewers, to
livetable, to navigation, etc. :)
On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 6:41 PM, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>
On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 5:27 PM, Vincent Massol
<vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
> On 3 Apr 2017, at 17:22, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>
> On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 4:36 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
>> Hi,
>>> On 3 Apr 2017, at 16:18, Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>
>>> Hi devs,
>>> Since 8.0 we have in xwiki-platform a flavor simply called "XWiki
>>> Flavor" which contains more or less the strict minimum to have
>>> something you can call an XWiki instance (Administration, Extension
>>> Manager, a home page, etc.).
>>> Since we want to promote the new Knowledge Base flavor have a
>>> concurrent called "XWiki" is not really making it a favor so we
>>> probably find another name for it.
>>> Here are some ideas:
>>> 1) "XWiki" Flavor, it's Ok after all
>>> 2) "Default" Flavor
>>> 3) "Base” Flavor
>>> 4) "Lite" Flavor
>>> 5) "Mini" Flavor
>>> 6) "Minimum" Flavor
>>> 7) "Pico" Flavor
>>> 8) <another word that means small> Flavor
>> This raises a question: Why do we have such a flavor? I don’t think we
need one if we have the KB flavor.
>> The only flavor that would make sense to me is a “Base” flavor that is
**empty** (ie no wiki pages) and that serves as a common base minimum for
other flavors. It would contain the bare minimum to have an XWiki runtime.
Note sure what is your point exactly. You want to discuss if it's
allowed to install it as flavor or if it's only a dependency of
another flavor ?
My point is that we should only offer 2 things:
1) the KB flavor
2) or let the user not choose any flavor and have an empty wiki (no wiki
pages and
minimal set of core extensions)
So you want to remove this flavor. You don't need to install any
flavor to have an empty wiki.
What is the “XWiki Flavor” right now? You mentioned that it contained
wiki pages
(such as home page):
"contains more or less the strict minimum to have
something you can call an XWiki instance (Administration, Extension
Manager, a home page, etc.).”
This doesn’t look like the minimum to me.
So the first thing to agree is about the scope of this “base” flavor.
Then we can
name it.
When it was introduced it was defined as the flavor containing what we
think is common to any kind of flavor, the core UI extensions
basically like you have the core jar extensions on the WAR side.
If it’s a minimal empty flavor then the best name for me are:
- “Minimal"
- "Base"
> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> I don't think keeping "XWiki" is such a great idea. Default is
> I like "Lite" but might sound too much like "the very limited free
> version, you are going to have advertisement in a month" theses days.
> If I had to vote for only one it would be "Mini" but I'm fine with any
> of the following proposals.
> Thanks,
> --
> Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne