Guillaume Legris wrote:
Hi dev folks,
I developed a math plugin ("MathTex") to render LaTeX math expressions
in XWiki.
Currently the plugin supports two formula renderer:
- The default one (contained in xwiki-plugin-mathtex-core.jar) is
LGPL and thus can be embedded in the XWiki packages
- The other one is GPL (powered by JMathTex) and gives better
results. It can used by adding the xwiki-plugin-mathtex-ext.jar to the
classpath and adding a parameter to the xwiki.cfg to override the
default renderer
In order to work this plugin requires modifications of some parts of
the XWiki default classes/files:
- xwiki.cfg
- macros.txt/macros.vm
- struts-config.xml
- (privileges for actions)
So an admin couldn't just grab it from the plugin zone and make it
work out-of-the-box.
Hence I would like to propose this plugin for integration in XWiki
with two alternatives:
1) Full integration
2) Partial integration (macros, struts-config.xml, changes) + users still have to load the
plugin jar(s) from the plugin zone.
What Guillaume forgot to ask, what do we do with the plugin? Should it
be part of the core? Should it be put on Should we setup
the xlets repository?
Guillaume, I think it would be better to become part of the official
platform, and I'll be maintaining it. Could you create a Jira issue and
attach the code to it, please?
Sergiu Dumitriu