Hi Martin,
On Apr 12, 2012, at 4:23 AM, Martin Schönberger wrote:
Dear developers of XWiki!
I am a student of Software Engineering at the Vienna University of
Technology and currently writing my master thesis on project management
and the development methods used in open source projects. In my research
I analyzed open source development and compared it with elements found
in various proprietary approaches, both agile and well-defined.
But to provide balanced and up-to-date results my work relies on first-
hand information and expert opinion, for which I need your help. XWiki
matches my criteria regarding size, activity and available information
and I would be glad to include it in my case study.
I am looking for an interview partner with good insight into the project
structure and a solid overview of all stages of development, ideally a
member of the core team with long-term dedication to the project.
We work as a team here on this project so I propose that when you have a question you send
it to the list and we'll answer it. Unless some committers want to chat privately with
you of course but it would be better for information dissemination that it happens in the
open. Hey you've learnt the first lesson of our project: do everything in the open!
The interview would take about 20 minutes on Skype (or
a similar phone-
based tool). If you prefer a written chat, that can be arranged as well.
My daily schedule is flexible, so whatever time suits you best should
work for me.
The subject areas I would like to cover in the interview are XWiki's:
* Development flow and release cycles
* Social structures, responsibilities and decision making
* Code structure and architectural considerations
* Special conditions caused by the open source environment
All this is documented already at
Have you taken the time to read it yet?
I suggest you read it first, then if you still have question, ask them here and we'll
be glad to answer them or complete our documentation.
Good luck in your study and thanks for picking XWiki!
I realize your time might be scarce, but if you decide
to contribute to
this case study your help shall be all the more appreciated. Once
finished I will gladly share my results and any new insights gained on
the topic with you.
Kind regards,
Martin Schönberger
devs mailing list