On 25 Dec 2011 at 18:24:39, Vincent Massol (vincent(a)massol.net(mailto:
vincent(a)massol.net)) wrote:
Hi devs,
Here's a proposal to move pages currently located in XE into platform
* ColorThemes/*.xml --> xwiki-platform-colorthemes
* Main/Activity.xml --> xwiki-platform-activitystream-ui (move current
xwiki-platform-activitytream into xwiki-platform-activitystream-api)
* Main/AllDocs.xml (and XWiki.Tableview,
XWiki.OrphanedPages, XWiki.AllAttachments*,
XWiki.DeletedAttachments and all pages used by those) --> new
xwiki-platform-navigation module
* Main/RssFeeds.xml --> new
xwiki-platform-help module or
xwiki-platform-rss-ui module (see below)
* Main/SpaceIndex.xml -->
* Main/Spaces.xml --> xwiki-platform-navigation
* Main/UserDirectory.xml --> xwiki-platform-user-ui
* Main/WebHome.xml --> xwiki-platform-dashboard-ui
* Main/WebRss.xml --> new xwiki-platform-rss-ui module, we would create
xwiki-platform-rss-api module too where we will move the feed plugin
I’m now working on moving WebRss.xml.
I now propose to move it to xwiki-platform-activitystream-ui since 1)
they’re both about show the activity of the wiki and 2) WebRss is currently
only used by the {{activity}} macro.
Let me know quickly if you don’t agree as I’m starting the move now.
I`m not sure this is a good idea. It has nothing to do with the activity
stream. What they do have both in common is that they both use the feed
plugin at some point.
I would suggest creating a new xwiki-platform-feed-ui and moving this page
there instead. It makes sense to see it as an UI for the feed plugin that
can be used by other apps (e.g. activity stream).