Hello Tiago,
Thanks for your reply.
I should have said it's a Global Constant, rather then variable. It meant to
be a fixed value.
Got it worked out in the end, as per your suggestion
#set($document = $xwiki.getDocument("Space.DocName"))
#set($object = $document.getObject("Classname"))
#set($var = $doc.get("propertyName"))
then split the string into array.
Thanks again.
Tiago Rinck Caveden wrote:
On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Art Yeung <arthuryeung198(a)gmail.com>
Managed to create the class and add the property, myvar. However, how can
set the default value?
Well, as it's "global", I don't understand what you mean by default
The value that you set by last will be the value to be used.
You may use the Object editor (when you hover "Edit", there are many
editors, "Object" is one) to add objects onto a page and set their
Also, how can I reference the myvar my other page
after adding the object
into the page?
You don't need to add the object to every page that will use it, only to
page that will "contain it", otherwise it's not global. All you need is to
reference it, and to do it there are API methods that can help.
To display the value, for example, I believe you may do the following:
#set($document = $xwiki.getDocument("Space.DocName"))
#set($object = $document.getObject("Classname"))
$document.display("propertyName", $object, $xwiki)
I haven't tested that, I'm not sure it will work. By the way, I'm a newbie
too, so there maybe there are easier ways of doing global variables, but I
don't know.
If I change this default value, am I right of
thinking all the references
all pages will change? Its not like pages have an instance of the class
they are different copies.
If you change the property - don't forget to save the document if you're
editing by script, $document.save() - every other page that uses the same
property of the same object of the same page will be affected. So, it is a
reference, not a copy.
I don't know how XWiki would handle concurrent edition...
Tiago Rinck Caveden
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