As the last items on the Blog 2.0 Upgrade I wanted to upgrade the RSS documents like
GlobalBlogRss. There I ran into the issue that the renderer (I don't know which) is
adding the macro as comment to the beginning of the XML file but that is not allowed
because the <?xml must start the file (not even spaces are allowed). The upgrade code
looks like this:
{{include document="Blog.RssCode"/}}
{{velocity filter="none"}}
{{html clean="false" wiki="true"}}
#set($entries = $xwiki.wrapDocs($entries))
The page output looks like this:
{{html clean="true" wiki="true"}}
#set($entries = $xwiki.wrapDocs($entries))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Does anyone know how to remove that comment or how to generate proper XML content with
2.0? If anyone can point me to some code that does that would be enough to get me
Cheers - Andy