Hi devs,
I’ve started setting up GitHub organization jobs on
ci.xwiki.org. One is already set up
for xwiki contrib:
What it means:
* Whenever a contrib project commits a Jenkinsfile (see example:
https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/syntax-markdown/blob/master/Jenkinsfile) then
automatically this project gets built by jenkins
* It works for all branches and is removed when branches are removed
Now, I’m working on creating some shared pipeline libraries (see
https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-cps-global-lib-plugin) so that we can avoid
duplications in Jenkinsfile. So I need an SCM location for it and it seems that it cannot
be in a directory of an existing repo and it needs to be in the root of a repo.
Thus I’m proposing
Note: we could also use xwiki-contrib but it would be a bit weird to use that for building
xwiki org repos and my plan is to move to Jenkinsfile also for repos in the xwiki GitHub
org (commons, rendering, etc).