Paulo Zenida wrote:
I think the PDF export is not using the new rendering module... right guys?
I think that this is the point here and that the involved agents in this
problem are the same than before. I would like to modify the graphic in..
... to reflect the current situation and, to maintain it updated from
now on. Please, feel free to contribute to the effort! I've just
uploaded the original file to...
The file is in OmniGraffle Pro format (nothing more complex than a long
XML file, a nice front end, and a great rendering engine :-) . I will be
great to have something to collaborative edit this kind of "knowledge"
but it is bur no mean easy to get such a tool done! I was Vicent who
advice me to use OmniGraffle. It is a great tool, even though it is not
multiplatform (it only works in Mac and iPad) and it is not Open Source.
Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems