Not exactly, I think you are thinking of:
$captchaservice.isAnswerCorrect($sessionId, $answer)
Yes. I believe here sessionId is generated by the captcha service for each
captcha displayed? Or is it something else?
I'm asking because recaptcha generates a unque captchaId for each captcha it
generates. Then you need to handover this captchaId + user's answer to the
server to verify the answer.
while captchaName is the hint for getting a component
from the component
manager. eg:
$captchaservice.isAnswerCorrect("defaultImageCaptcha", $answer)
Ok, I understand now.
The fact that the last call to the struts based
jcaptcha component was from
same session
means that the answer provided will work.
Perhaps it would be best to offer a way to check the answer with the
either A:
$captchaservice.isAnswerCorrect("defaultImageCaptcha", $sessionId, $answer)
or B:
#set($captcha = $captchaservice.getCaptcha("defaultImageCaptcha"))
$captcha.isAnswerCorrect($sessionId, $answer)
Both sounds good. Although I like the second form.
Also an easy way to get the session id using $request
in Velocity?
Something like:
#set($sessionId = $captchaservice.getSessionId($request))
or B:
#set($sessionId = $captcha.getSessionId($request))
I don't know whether binding velocity APIs to HTTPRequest is a good idea,
but it will surely make things easy. We could even have something like:
#set($captcha = $captchaservice.getCaptcha("defaultImageCaptcha"))
So we leave all the parameter resolution to the captcha component itself.
- Asiri