ok I've now created the roadmap page at:
Could all committers with assigned issues create the jira issues (if they don't
already exists) and edit the roadmap page to list all issues you're planning to fix
for 4.3?
On Sep 28, 2012, at 2:58 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
Hi devs,
Here's a proposal for the 4.3 roadmap. I'm putting names of committers I've
discussed it with, please correct me if I'm wrong and please add any other items
you'd like to do for 4.3 for committers not listed or even for committers listed if
you want to work on other stuff! :)
"Large Features"
- Improvements on Search Components SOLR Implementation - Assignee: Edy
- Implementing Usability Action Plan: from Wysiwyg macros improvements, improvement
dashboard look, Help center, XEM Usability - Assignee: JV
- Improvements on AppWithinMinutes (according to the initial specs: user fields,
suggests, validation, automated naming of pages, doc title + doc content, app generation
quality) - Assignee: Marius with Sergiu for "automated page names"
- Extension Manager Maintenance (testing, bug fixing, etc.) - Assignee: Thomas
- Extension Manager Authentication - Assignee: Thomas
- l10n module and especially automatic Registration of translation objects in wiki pages
(similar to wiki macros) - Assignee: Thomas
- Ludovic's Mobile Skin Patch - Assignee: Sergiu (if he gets the time)
- Validating LibreOffice as standard Office Importer (brings pptx support) - Assignee:
There are 3 important JIRAs that we should commit on:
- Be able to rename a space from the UI (also Rename Application) - XWIKI-6722 -
Assignee: ? (Sergiu maybe if he gets the time)
- Improvements on Dashboard editing - XWIKI-7681- Assignee: JV
- User picker (User field does not scale to 1000 users - User picker implementation) -
Assignee: Sergiu
Other important JIRAs (but no commitment):
- tag suggest feature does not work if Main.WebHome is not saved with programming rights
- XE-539
- Tracking Active Installs - no JIRA yet - Vincent (I hope I can find the time)
- Profile Improvements - XWIKI-6307
- Lucene Search should not return HTML tags - XWIKI-8111
- Search suggest does not use translation keys (Show all results... and No results!)
Patch aleardy exists, it has to be applied - XWIKI-7138
- PDF Export when CDATA section (generated by Livetable) - XWIKI-7871
- App Within Minutes pages cannot be annotated (and any page using the HTML macro)-
- 4.x Skin. Assignee: Caty
- Scalability Auditing. Assignee: Sorin
- Mobile Skin + Mobile App investigation. Assignee: Ludovic
- 4.3M1: 22 oct (3w)
- 4.3M2: 5 nov (2w)
- 4.3RC1: 12 nov (1w)
- 4.3final: 19 nov (1w)
Then 4.4 around beginning of January and 4.5 around beginning of February ==> 4.x
cycle finished for early February.